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Nomina Africana
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Nomina Africana Authors Vols 1 to 24
Abrahamo, Luis: Naming in the south of the Save River (Districts of Magude and Guija). 16 (1&2) 2002 91-99
Agbontaen-Eghafona, K A: A toponymical investigation of Benin City, Nigeria. 17(2) Nov 2003 67-78
Agbontaen-Eghafona, K A: Factors in personal naming and name change in
post colonial Southern Nigeria. 21(1&2) 2007 105-125
Alberts, NF: Die rol van vakterminologie in die Suid-Afrikaans arbeidsituasie. Names 1983 16-21
Bangeni, GN and Coetser, A: Xhosa First Names, Societal Values and Power Relations. 14(2) November 2000
Barnes, Lawrie 2008: See Pfukwa and Barnes 2008
Barnes, Lawrie 2010: See Pfukwa and Barnes 2010
Bevin, Tony: Dual place naming in New Zealand. 15(1&2) 2001 97-109
Blum, Abraham: Letter to the Editor. 24(2) 2010
Boeyens, JCA and Cole, DT: Kaditshwene: What's in a Name? 9(1) April 1995
Jan CA and Cole, Desmond T: Whence Tswenyane? The etymology of an
age-old Tswana place name in the Marico. 19(1) April 2005 31-66
Bosch, AB: Aspekte van Naamgewing in die Oos-Kaap 6(2) November 1992
Bosch, B: Bynaamnavorsing: 'n Bestekopname 8(2) November 1994
Bosch, B and De Klerk, V: Oor Klokkies en Sticks: Byname in 'n Afrikaanssprekende Gemeenskap 8(2) November 1994
Bosch, B en De Klerk, V: Byname in 'n Multitalige Milieu: Aanduider van Taalprestige? 9(2) October 1995
Bosch, B: Eiename in 'n Geselekteerde Korpus Afrikaanse Graptekste 11(2) November 1997
Botha, TJR: Aan die naamfront: voorsittersrede. Names 1983 5-15
Botha, TJR: Natalse plekaname: historiese aanloop and mitologisering. Names 1983 22-42
Botha, TJR: Probleme met die eienaamverbinding in die Afrikaanse televisiediens. Logos Vol 5 1985 87-94
Botha, TJR: Voorwoord 1(1) April 1987
Botha, TJR: First Congress of the Names Society of Southern Africa 1(1) April 1987
Botha, TJR: Eienaamverbindinge lei tot spellinghervorming in Afrikaans 2(1) April 1988
Botha, TJR: Voorwoord 3(1) April 1989
Botha, TJR: Gestigmatiseerde eienaamvorme en restourasie van eiename 3(1) April 1989
Branford, Jean: Some recurrent grammatical structures in South African place names. Names 1983 43-50
Branford, W: Eenzaamheid - Some thoughts on standardisation of spelling
and the semantics of proper names 1(1) April 1987
Budack, KFR: Inter-etniese name in SWA. Logos Vol 5 1985 133-144
Budack, KFR: Inter-ethnic names for white men in South West Africa 2:2 November 1988
Cilliers, L: 'n Naam word 'n Hoeksteen van 'n Wêreldryk 11(1) April 1997
Louise: Naming practices in ancient Greece and Rome as a reflection of
the social status of women. 16(1&2) 2002 192-203
Clarence, ND: Opening Address - 1st Congress of the Names Society of Southern Africa 1(1) April 1987
Coetser, A: Oorspronge van Naamgewing by Xhosa-sprekendes 7(1&2) 1993
Coetser, A: Afrikaans se Bydrae tot Familiename in Xhosa 10(1&2) 1996
Coetser, A: Afrikaanse Toponieme in die Voormalige Transkei 11(1) April 1997
Coetser, A: Afrikaanse Plekname in Xhosa 12(2) November 1998
Coetser, Attie: Effektetrustname as Aanduiders van Finansiële Betekeniswaardes 14(1) April 2000
Coetser, A 2000: see Bangeni and Coetser
Coetser, Attie: Echelons of power and naming practices: a case study. 18(1&2) 2004 45-60
Attie: Africa’s onomastic reaction to colonialism: From countries to
municipalities, with special reference to the Eastern Cape – An
overview. 20(1&2) 2006 16-41
Coetser, Attie: Changing first name patterns of female Afrikaans speakers. 23(2) Nov 2009 1-32
CJ and Stern, A Christel: Die beleid wat gevolg is by amptelike
pleknaamgewing in Duits-Suidwes-Afrika. Logos Vol 5 1985 7-12
JA: Probleme met betrekking tot die spelling van buitelandse
geografiese name in Afrikaans en die behoefte aan standaardisasie 1(1)
April 1987
Coetzee, JA: Internasionale standaardisering met betrekking tot die
ortografie van buitelandse plekname 2(1) April 1988
Cole, DT 1995: See Boeyens and Cole 1995
Cole, D 2005: See Boeyens and Cole 2005
Combrink, JGH: Afrikaanse Kleurlingfamiliename. Names 1983 51-66
Combrink, Johan: Toename van plekke in die groter R.S.A. Logos Vol 5 1985 111- 120
Combrink, JGH: Aspekte van emotiewe aanspreekvorme in die Afrikaanse literatuur 1(1) April 1987
Combrink, J: Die vroeë stamboom van alewyn en alwyn 4(2) November 1990
Cubbin, AE: Origin and Meaning of the Place Name, Empangeni 6(2) November 1992
De Bruyn, PS: Gevoelswaarde en naamgewing. Names 1983 67-76
De Bruyn, PS: Kommunikatiewe Elemente in die Name van Strandhuise 11(1) April 1997
De Klerk, V 1994: See Bosch and de Klerk 1994
De Klerk, V and Bosch, B: Naming in Two Cultures: English and Xhosa Practices 9(1) April 1995
De Klerk, V 1995: See Bosch and de Klerk 1995
De Klerk, V: Nicknaming Across Cultures: Borrowing and Other Tricks 12(1) April 1998
De Klerk, Vivian: Beauty or Buhle? ... On changing one’s name. 13(1&2) 1999
De Klerk, Vivian: Xhosa nicknames for whites: a double-edged sword. 16(1&2) 2002 146-163
De Stadler, LG: Sintaktiese aspekte van die Afrikaanse eienaam. Names 1983 77-93
De Stadler, LG: Sosiolinguistiese aspekte van persoonseienaam. Logos Vol 5 18-29
De Stadler, LG: Die opkoms van agtername 1(1) April 1987
Diament, H: Some problems of translations of proper names along the English-French-English axis. 15(1&2) 2001 87-96
Diament, H: Names with a bang: the Appellations of Explosives 5(2) November 1991
Plessis, LT: Pertoors of Pretories? Voorlopige opmerkings oor
variasiepatrone by name in 19de-eeuse Transvaalse koerante. Names 1983
Eksteen, LC: Naamgewingstipes in die Afrikaanse terminologie. Names 1983 119-127
Eksteen, LC: Naamgewing in Afrikaans 1(1) April 1987
Daiana: Nicknames: reflections of polyphony within the linguistic area
from the northwestern part of Romania. 23(2) Nov 2009 61-90
Felecan, Oliviu: Multi-ethnic connections reflected in the anthroponymy
of a Central European region. 24(1) April 2010 1-23
Finlayson, R: Linguistic terms of respect among the Xhosa. Names 1983 128-138
Fisher, I: Jewish names through the ages. Names 1983 139-150
Garbers, JG: Opening of the second Southern African Names Congress. Names 1983. 1-4
Gardner, Colin: Renaming: messy but effective [Review of Elwyn Jenkin’s Falling into Place] 22(1&2) 2008 207-212
Gildenhuys, JG: 'n Etimologie van die Name vir Vrystaatse Dorpe en
Swart Woonbuurtes in die Afrikatale 7(1&2) 1993
Gläser, Rosemary: Toponymic changes in East Germany after the unification of the two German states. 15(1&2) 2001 138-159
Goba, Zinta: Toponymic investigation of Latvian geographers (1970-2000). 15(1&2) 2002 126-133
Golele, NCP: Compounding as a process of naming in XiTsonga 5(2) November 1991
Golele, NCP: Names and Society: The Rise of Some South African Place Names 7(1&2) 1993
Gouws, RH. Die hantering van voorname in tweetalige woordeboeke. Logos Vol 5 1985 95-102
Graves, FE: Travel, place-names and history teaching. Names 1983 151-156
Grieshaber, NJ: Nog 'n rubikon? Oor die polemitiek rondom die skryfwyse
van eienaamverbindinge in Afrikaans 2(1) April 1988
Grieshaber, NJ: A Rolls by any other name: Would it sell as sweet? 4(2) November 1990
Groenewald, Joh: Letter to the editor. 17(1) April 2003 95-96
Groenewald, Joh: Letter to the editor. 22(1&2) 2008 218-219
Groenewald, Manie: There is money in an African name – African business names in Johannesburg. 20(1&2) 2006 60-83
Grüner, Rolf: Onomastic attitudes of German Settlers in South Africa: Past and present. Logos Vol 5 1985 81-86
Grüner, RW: Firmaname in Bloemfontein uit 'n Onomastiese Perspektief 6(1) April 1992
Guerini, Federica: Akan traditional personal name system in Ghana: a
semantic and functional perspective. 19(2) Nov 2005 5-38
Haron, Muhammed: Naming Peoples: The Formation of the South African Muslim Identity. 13(1&2) 1999
Hattingh, JL: Huisname in vroeë Kaapstad. Names 1983 157-166
Hattingh, JL: Naamgewing onder die slawe, vryswartes en ander gekleurdes 1(1) April 1987
Hendricks, Frank: Naamoordrag as idenititeitskeppingsmeganisme. 16(1&2) 2002 21-36
Hendricks, FS: Die Aard van Afrikaanse Persoonsnaamkoppeling 9(2) October 1995
Hendricks, F: Hantam wil nie swig of swyg 11(2) November 1997
Herbert, RK and Bogatsu, S: Changes in Northern Sotho and Tswana personal naming patterns 4(2) November 1990
Tracy and Koopman, Adrian: “A high degree of wayward folly”: An
analysis of public response to a proposal to rename streets in central
Pietermaritzburg. 17(2) Nov 2003 1-36
Hilton, JL: Ancient Greek and Latin names for the continent, countries
and peoples of Africa. 17(2) Nov 2003 79-94
Hilton, John: Classical names given to slaves at the Western Cape in
the Eighteenth century. 18(1&2) 2004 18-36
Hilton, John L: ‘Chamei-me Adamastor’: Naming the spirit of the Cape in Luiz Vaz de Camões’ Lusiads. 20(1&2) 2006 3-15
Hilton, JL: Names and numbers in Hellenistic Greek literature. 24(1) April 2010 24-40
Hooper, MJ: Naming the Father: Terms of Endearment, Sexuality and Servitude in The Beadle 10(1&2) 1996
Hromnik, CA: Africans or Bantu? 3(2) November 1989
Cyril A: /Xairu – The Paradise: the charming village of the Attaqua
Quena that became Suurbraak (Zuurbraak). 16(1&2) 2002 37-41
Jacobs, JU: The self-naming narrator in the contemporary novel 2(1) April 1988
Jacobs, JU: Naming a crisis: André Brink's States of Emergency 4(1) April 1990
Jacobs, JU: A proper name in prison: Self-identification in the South
African Prison Memoir 5(1) April 1991 4-14
Jacobs, JU: Exploring, Mapping and Naming in Postcolonial Fiction:
Michael Ondaatje's The English Patient 8(2) November 1994
Jacobs, JU: Names for Nomads in The Songlines by Bruce Chatwin 9(2) October 1995
Jacobs, JU: Caro Nome: Names in Opera 12(1) April 1998
Jenkins, ER: Bushveld Titles and Epithets 5(1) April 1991 15-27
Jenkins, ER: The Names of Informal Settlements 6(2) November 1992
Jenkins, E: Public Participation in Recent and Future Place Name Changes 8(2) November 1994
Jenkins, ER: Names in The Symbolic Discourse of the Scout Movement 14(1) April 2000
Elwyn: Some features of South African place names approved by the
National Place Names Committee, 1977-1999. 16(1&2) 2002 1-11
Jenkins, Elwyn: Some calques in South African place names. 20(1&2) 2006 108-121
Jenkins, Elwyn: Prose, verse, songs, humour and satire about South African place names. 22(1&2) 2008 1-28
Jenkins, Elwyn: Pretoria, Tshwane and the law. 24(1) April 2010 41-75
Jenkins, Elwyn: review of the book Gate. 24(2) 2010 130-134
Jenkins, Elwyn: review of the book Wondering through Europe. 24(2) 2010 135-138
Joffe, PH: Naming and semantic dubiety in Thomas Pynchon's The crying of Lot 2(1) April 1988
Joffe, P: The naming of Michael K: J M Coetzee's Life and Times of Michael K 4(1) April 1990
Joffe, P: Language Damage: Nazis and Naming in Martin Amis's Time's Arrow 9(2) October 1995
Kadmon, Naftali: What is where? The definitin of location for geographical names. 15(1&2) 2001 32-39
Kamupingene, Theo K: Meaning of place names and the phenomenon of nomenclature in Otjiherero. Logos Vol 5 1985 66-71
Kavacs, Jurìis: The law on renaming of countryside real estates of 13 October 1936 in Latvia. 15(1&2) 2001 134-137
Helen and Närhi, Eeva Maria: United Nations standardisation of
geographical names: Development of toponymic guidelines for map and
other editors for international use. 15(1&2) 2001 5-21
Khotso, P 2009: See Rapeane-Mathonsi et al 2009
Khuboni, Fikile: Nicknaming and social bonding among isiZulu-speaking factory workers. 19(1) April 2005 121-140
Koopman, A: Zulu names and other modes of address. 1(1) April 1987 136-164
Koopman, A: The aetiology of Zulu personal names. 3(2) November 1989 31-48
Koopman, A: Ornimatopoeia: Song reference in English, Afrikaans and
Zulu bird names. 4(1) April 1990 67-88
Koopman, A: The Socio-cultural Aspects of Zulu Ox- and Dog-Names. 6(1) April 1992 1-13
Koopman, A: "KwaDedangedlale": An Introduction. 7(1&2) 1993 50-59
Koopman, A: Onomastic Shift: From Sir Benjamin to Gobius durbanensis. 8(2) November 1994 59-80
Koopman, A: Names within Names: The Case of Jack and Jan. 12(1) April 1998 19-32
Koopman, Adrian: The Power of Names in Oral Poetry. 14(2) November 2000 1-20
Adrian: "Move out of the way so that I can unroll my blankets": Mapping
the Landscape in Vilakazi’s poem "KwaDedangendlale". 14(2) November
2000 33-44
Koopman, Adrian: Naming as a marketing strategy in a coastal resort: the case of St. Lucia. 16(1&2) 2002 42-55
Koopman, Adrian: Editorial. 1-4 17(1) April 2003
Adrian: Report on the 21st Conference of the International Council of
Onomastic Sciences (ICOS), Uppsala, Sweden. Aug 19-24, 2002. 17(1) April
2003 85-94
Koopman, Adrian: Editorial. 1-4
Koopman, A 2003: See Hilterman and Koopman 2003
Koopman, Adrian: Dutch first names. 18(1&2) 2004 61-92
Adrian: Report on the 13th International congress of the Names Society
of Southern Africa; Maputo, September 2004. 18(1&2) 2004 93-100
Adrian: Report on the international symposium “Naming the World: from
Common Nouns to Proper Names”, held at the University of Zadar in
Croatia, Sept 1st to 4th 2004. 18(1&2) 2004 101-117
Adrian: Book review: The encounter between African and European
Anthroponymic Systems among the Ambo People in Namibia. By Minna
Saarelma-Maunumaa. 18(1&2) 2004 118-130
Koopman, Adrian: Unpacking Jamludi: an exercise in interdisciplinary onomastics. 19(2) Nov 2005 159-184
Koopman, Adrian: Editorial. 20(1&2) 2006 1-2
Koopman, Adrian: Report on international conference in Norway 17-19 August 2006. 20(1&2) 2006 122-136
Adrian: The 14th Congress of the Names Society of Southern Africa:
Ithala Game Reserve, November 2006. 21(1&2) 2007 143-152
Koopman, Adrian: Naming a university: an exercise in community involvement. 22(1&2) 2008 29-60
Koopman, Adrian: ICOS 23 Conference report. 22(1&2) 2008 191-206
Adrian: Introducing ‘My Old Dutch’: onomastic attrition in Cockney
rhyming slang and titles of nobility. 23(1) April 2009 1-30
Adrian: Report on the conference Names in the Economy III: Names as
Language and Capital. Amsterdam 11-13 June 2009. 23(1) April 2009
Koopman, Adrian: A re-look at the semantics of ‘eThekwini’,
or why Durban’s mayor needs more milk in his tea. 23(2) Nov 2009 33-60
Koopman, Adrian: Rooibos: the rise and fall of a name. 23(2) Nov 2009 91-108
Koopman, Adrian: NSA 15th Congress report. 23(2) Nov 2009 127-138
Koopman, Adrian: Report on the Fourth Trends in Toponymy Conference held in Edinburg June 2010. 24(2) 2010 139-148
Künz, IM: South African political party names since 1910. 2(1) April 1988 99-108
Landman, KJH: Byname. Names 1983 167-177
Lee, Ki-Suk: The historical precedent for the geographical name of East Sea (Sea of Japan). 15(1&2) 2001 169-188
Liebenberg, HC: Valhalla: Uniek in Suid-Afrikaanse naamgewing? 2(1) April 1988 109-158
Heinrich: Official standardization and actual usage of place names in a
trilingual country such as Switzerland. Logos Vol 5 1985 121-125
Löffler, H: Names and regional respectively national identity in a
polylingual country such as Switzerland 2(1) April 1988
Löffler, Heinrich: Nomen Africanum: What does the name ‘Africa’ really mean? 15(1&2) 2002 60-65
Löffler, H: Onomastic research in German-speaking countries. 3(1) April 1989 7-16
H: Pflanzen und Tieren in den Hausnamen der Stadt Basel oder:
Natur-Namen und Gesellschaft - Plants and animals as components of the
House-Names in the City of Basle/Switzerland or: Nature-Names and
Society. 5(2) November 1991 1-9
Louw, Salomi: Inheemse Name vir Vakansiehuise: Marlothpark. 13(1&2) 1999 73-86
Louwrens, LJ: A Linguistic Analysis of Sotho Geographical Names. 8(1) April 1994 1-42
Lubbe, HJ: Die rol van taalmagie by naamgewing. Names 1983 178-182
Lubbe, J: Van eienaam tot soortnaam. 4(2) November 1990 125-137
Lubbe, HJ: Straatnaamgewing in enkele jongere Bloemfontein woonbuurtes. 5(2) November 1991 49-63
Lubbe, Johan: Akronieme met eienaamstatus. 16(1&2) 2001 180-191
Johan: Van heilige tot ikon: die geskiedenis van die naamgewing van
een van Bloemfontein se strate. 17(1) April 2003 5-20
Lubbe, HJ: Naamkundekwessies soos gerapporteer in die Suid-Afrikaanse gedrukte media. 19(2) Nov 2005 119-158
Lubisi, PM: A glance into African personal names. 16(1&2) 2002 118-124
Mabuta, Kapule 2007: See Ndana and Mabuta 2007
Machaba, Mbali: Homestead Names as a Reflection of Social Dynamics in
Zulu Settings. 14(2) November 2000 45-58
Machaba, Mbali: The morphological analysis of Zulu homestead names in Mabengela, Nkandla district. 16(1&2) 2002 65-80
Machaba, Mbali: Naming, heritage and identity in post-apartheid South
Africa. 17(1) April 2003 55-78
Makondo, Livingstone: A thematic categorization of Shona anthroponyms. 24(2) 2010 79-108
CW: Wankelende Walkures en Flankerende Fiskale: Die kreatiewe gebruik
van eiename deur Etienne Leroux. 1(1) April 1987 165-179
Mandende, IP: Personal naming and the Installation of Vhavenda traditional leaders. 22(1&2) 2008 169-190
Joyce T and, Sheena, F: Language Attitudes as Portrayed by the Use of
English and African Names in Botswana. 12(2) November 1998 74-87
Joyce T: The communicative aspect of place names in Northern Botswana: a
sociolinguistic study. 19(1) April 2005 67-88
Mathenjwa, LF: Naming and Identification in Maskandi Poetry. 10(1&2) 1996 109-116
McCracken, Donal: We few, we happy few: Ireland’s export of place names to South Africa. 24(2) 2010 1-18
Meiring, Babs: Die status van die eienaam in verbinding. Names 1983 183-208
Meiring, BA: Die name van staatsdepartemente. 2(2) November 1988 187-204
Meiring, BA 1992: See Uys and Meiring 1992
Meiring, BA: Toponymic Innovation and Social Change. 8(1) April 1994 65-79
Meiring, BA: Semantiese Velde as Kategorieë in Plekname. 11(2) November 1997 21-36
Meiring, Barbara: Dialects in toponymic guidelines A multilingual South Africa. 16(1&2) 2002 12-20
Meiring, Barbara: The stormy seas around the fairest Cape. 19(1) April 2005 1-30
Meiring, Barbara: Geographical names and social cohesion. 23(1) April 2009 31-50
Thenji ‘Till death do us part’: Names’ politics and women’s experiences
following a change in marital status. 24(2) 2010 107-129
Mohlomi, M 2009: See Rapeane-Mathonsi et al, 2009
Johan: In the fixed grip of colonialism: deliberating on the name
changing of the KwaZulu-Natal and Western Cape provinces. 24(2) 2010
Mollema, Nina: Names and naming in Buzani kuMkabayi: a psychoanalytical evaluation. 22(1&2) 2008 61-76
Möller, LA: Duitse plekname in Suidwes-Afrika. Names 1983 193-208
Möller, LA: Die interdissiplinêre aard van die onomastiek. 1(2) November 1987 1-21
Möller, LA: Plekname in die verhale van Herman Charles Bosman. 2(2) November 1988 205-222
Möller, LA: Report on the XVIth International Congress of Onomastic Sciences. 3(1) April 1989 17-54
Möller, LA: The influence of indigenous languages on German toponyms in Namibia. 3(1) April 1989 55-66
Möller, LA: Resensie: Street and Place Names of Old Pretoria/Straat- en
Plekname van Ou-Pretoria. 3(1) April 1989
Möller, LA: Die generiese komponent in Duitse plekname in
Suidwes-Afrika/Namibië. 3(2) November 1989 49-74
Möller. LA: Boekresensie. 5(1) April 1991 1-3
Möller, LA: Criteria for Proposed Name Changes. 9(1) April 1995 88-106
Möller, LA: Review: Namenforschung: Ein Internationales Handbuch zur Onomastik. 9(1) April 1995 109-111
Lucie A: The HSRC Place Names Database: Providing a Geographic Frame of
Reference for Socio-political and Cultural Information Management.
12(2) November 1998 1-48
Möller, Lucie A: Introduction. 15(1&2) 2001 i-xiii
Möller, Lucie A: Introduction. 16(1&2) 2002 i-iii
Moloto, ES: The subtleties of naming: an exercise in deep structure. Names 1983 209-216
Moyo, T: Personal Names and Naming Practices in Northern Malawi. 10(1&2) 1996 10-19
Moyo, Themba: Ngoni Place Names in Mzimba District in Northern Malawi. 13(1&2) 1999 47-58
Mtumane, Z: The onomastic significance of some Xhosa nicknames bestowed
upon farmers around East London. 19(2) Nov 2005 39-56
Murray, S: Signifying Sol Kerzner and "The Lost City": Some Problems
and Pleasures of Name-calling. 11(1) April 1997
Musere, Jonathan: The Visitor in Some Proverbial Names of the Baganda. 13(1&2) 1999 59-72
Närhi, Eeva Maria 2001: See Kerfoot and Närhi 2001
Nathan, Carmen: Names and the law. 4(1) April 1990 49-66
Ndana and Mabuta, Kapule: ‘What’s in a name?’ Sources, meaning and
significance of Subiya personal names. 21(1&2) 2007 56-79
Ndimande, Nobuhle: A Semantic Analysis of Zulu Surnames. 12(2) November 1998 88-98
Ndimande-Hlongwa, N: Zulu nicknames within a wider world context. 19(2) Nov 2005 57-80
Neethling, SJ: Enkele naamkundige aspekte uit Elsa Joubert se ‘Poppie Nongena’. Names 1983 217-228
Neethling, SJ: Die godsbegrip van die Amaxhosa. Logos Vol 5 1985 103-110
Neethling, SJ: Voorname in Xhosa. 2(2) November 1988 223-238
Neethling, SJ: Iziteketiso in Xhosa. 4(1) April 1990 11-34
Neethling, SJ: Proper names in some Nguni idioms and proverbs. 5(1) April 1991 65-77
Neethling, SJ: Black Elk Speaks: Native American (Indian) Onomastics. 7(1&2) 1993 17-36
Neethling, SJ: Connotative Toponyms: Christopher Torr's "Hot Gates". 9(1) April 1995 56-67
Neethling, SJ: Exploring Xhosa Surnames. 10(1&2) 1996 30-42
Neethling, SJ: January to December: Traditional Xhosa Nomenclature. 10(1&2) 1996 54-66
Neethling, SJ: Amabokoboko and Other Species: Names in South African Sport. 12(2) November 1998 57-73
Neethling, SJ: The Developer’s Dilemma: Finding the Right Name. 14(1) April 2000 57-72
Neethling, SJ: Riding the ama Wave:Nguni noun class 6 influence on naming in South Africa. 16(1&2) 2002 81-90
Neethling, Bertie: Duiwelskloof (André Brink) se mense: ’n onomastiese
verkenning. 17(1) April 2003 35-54
Neethling, Bertie: Review of Zulu Names. 17(1) April 2003 105-112
Neethling, Bertie: Perceptions around the English names of Xhosa speakers. 17(2) Nov 2003 47-66
Neethling, Bertie: A drink at Kwamaliyam? Names of informal businesses in the Cape Peninsula. 20(1&2) 2006 42-59
Neethling, Bertie: Reintroducing the name ‘Bantu’ in South Africa within its linguistic context. 24(1) April 2010 76-103
Bertie: Perceptions around ethnicity, naming and identity: coloured
students at the University of the Western Cape. 23(1) April 2009 51-90
Nicolaisen, WFH: On English and Gaelic place names in medieval N-E Scotland. 15(1&2) 2001 80-86
Nienaber, GS: Interessante wanspellinge van enkele Hottentotse stamname. Names 1983 229-234
Nienaber, GS: Oor die betekenis van Aicha-ais. 1(2) November 1987 32-38
Nienaber, GS: Op die spore van die Cochokwas. 2(2) November 1988 239-254
Nienaber, GS: "Khoekhoen" wen die naamstryd teen "Hottentot". 3(1) April 1989 89-120
Nienaber, GS: Malgas vs. Malagas. 3(1) April 1989 121-128
Nienaber, GS: Kareedouw en Karriebeer. 7(1&2) 1993 4-16
Nienaber, PJ: Suid-Afrikaanse plekname as studievak. 1(2) November 1987 39-50
Nortje, L: Eiename uit gebiedsname. 2(2) November 1988 255-272
Ntuli, DB: The Significance of Zulu Homestead Names. 6(1) April 1992 14-23
Ntuli, DB: House-naming among some South African Communities. 6(2) November 1992 28-34
Oberholzer, AG: Geesteshouding en naamgewing: ’n streekhistoriese perspektief. Logos Vol 5 1985 13-17
Oberholzer, AG: Raakpunte tussen streekgeskiedenis en pleknaamkunde. 1(2) November 1987 51-62
FF: Pollie ons gaan Paarl toe: Variasie by die bepaalde lidwoord voor
geografiese eiename in Afrikaans. 1(2) November 1987 63-77
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