Nomina Africana
Nomina Africana is the journal of the Names Society of Southern Africa
and publishes original peer reviewed research that makes a contribution
to the field of onomastics on the continent.
Studies that deal with any aspects of proper names and the naming
process and of relevance to any of the languages of the continent will
be considered for publication. Topics of interest to the journal emanate
from the fields of linguistics, language and literature as well as
history and geography, amongst other disciplines. Research and review
articles, short communications and book reviews are welcome.
For more information and submissions:
The first volume of Nomina Africana appeared in 1987, a
full six years after the formation of the Names Society, but it has
appeared regularly every year since then. Normally Nomina Africana
appears twice year, with the cover dates April and November, but
occasionally, when manuscripts are a bit thin on the ground, or when
the editor needs to catch up on the cover date, numbers (1) and (2)
appear in a single volume. Volumes 15 and 16 appeared as special
issues, with the titles A World of Names 1 and A World of Names 2,
together constituting a festschrift for NSA founder member and names
researcher extraordinary Professor Peter E Raper. At the end of October
2011, final editing was being done on a special issue, Nomina Africana
25 (1 & 2), marking the 25th issue and simultaneously the 30th
birthday of the Names Society.
A list of all article titles and all the authors of the 25 issues of Nomina Africana can be found here.
A list of all article titles and all the authors of the 25 issues of Nomina Africana can be found here.
In the early years of Nomina Africana, the journal was edited jointly
by Professor TJ Botha (“Oom Theuns”), Dr Lucie Möller, and Dr Peter
E.Raper. Volume 4(1) 1990 says that BA Meiring, LA Möller, and PE Raper
were the “Final editors”, but from Volume 6 (1992) onwards it appears
that the journal was produced by an Editorial Committee, consisting of
PE Raper, LA Möller, JU Jacobs, BA Meiring, and ER Jenkins. This
situation continued until Volume 13 (1999) when Johan Jacobs, of the
University of Natal (as it then was), was named individually for the
first time as “Editor, Nomina Africana” (and Adrian Koopman joined the
Editorial Committee.
Nomina Africana contents Vols 1 to 24
Names 1983: The Proceedings of the Second Southern African Names Congress, Pretoria, 13-15 September 1983. Ed. Peter E. Raper, Pretoria: Humans Sciences Research Council. 1986 (This separate publication, dated 1986, covering papers presented at the second NSA Congress of 1983, precedes the first volume of Nomina Africana (1987) which covers papers presented at the first NSA Congress of 1981.)
Garbers, JG: Opening of the second Southern African Names Congress. 1-4
Botha, TJR: Aan die naamfront: voorsittersrede. 5-15
Alberts, NF: Die rol van vakterminologie in die Suid-Afrikaans arbeidsituasie. 16-21
Botha, TJR: Natalse plekaname: historiese aanloop and mitologisering. 22-42
Branford, Jean: Some recurrent grammatical structures in South African place names. 43-50
Combrink, JGH: Afrikaanse Kleurlingfamiliename. 51-66
De Bruyn, PS: Gevoelswaarde en naamgewing. 67-76
De Stadler, LG: Sintaktiese aspekte van die Afrikaanse eienaam. 77-93
Du Plessis, LT: Pertoors of Pretories? Voorlopige opmerkings oor variasiepatrone by name in 19de-eeuse Transvaalse koerante. 94-118
Eksteen, LC: Naamgewingstipes in die Afrikaanse terminologie. 119-127
Finlayson, R: Linguistic terms of respect among the Xhosa. 128-138
Fisher, I: Jewish names through the ages. 139-150
Graves, FE: Travel, place-names and history teaching. 151-156
Hattingh, JL: Huisname in vroeë Kaapstad. 157-166
Landman, KJH: Byname. 167-177
Lubbe, HJ: Die rol van taalmagie by naamgewing. 178-182
Meiring, Babs: Die status van die eienaam in verbinding. 183-208
Möller, LA: Duitse plekname in Suidwes-Afrika. 193-208
Moloto, ES: The subtleties of naming: an exercise in deep structure. 209-216
Neethling, SJ: Enkele naamkundige aspekte uit Elsa Joubert se ‘Poppie Nongena’. 217-228
Nienaber, GS: Interessante wanspellinge van enkele Hottentotse stamname. 229-234
Picard, JH: Plekname en straatname in die gebied Voortrekkerhoogte. 235-272
Raper, PE: Research possibilities in onomastics. 265-272
Sitaram, R: Names if Indian immigrants to South Africa. 273-277
Thipa, HM: By their names you shall know them. 286-291
Wainwright, AT: Bird names and Xhosa oral poetry. 292-309
Wilcocks, Julie: Countries of the world: name-changes and their significance. 310-312
Logos Vol 5 (1&2) (Special Edition Names Conference) 1985
(Papers presented at the 3rd Conference of the Names Society of Southern Africa, Windhoek 1985)
Van Schalkwyk, DJ: Opening van die Derde Tweejaarlikse Kongres van die Naamkundesvereniging van Suider-Afrika. 5-6
Coetzee, CJ and Stern, A Christel: Die beleid wat gevolg is by amptelike pleknaamgewing in Duits-Suidwes-Afrika. 7-12
Oberholzer, AG: Geesteshouding en naamgewing: ’n streekhistoriese perspektief. 13-17
Stadler, LG: Sosiolinguistiese aspekte van persoonseienaam. 18-29
Van der Schyff, PF: Stanmverwant as factor vir Afrikanernaamgewing in België en Nederland rondom die Vryheidsoorloë.30-45
Van Huyssteen, PJJ: EBLA en die persoonsname “Daniel” en “Michael” – ’n vergelykende studie vanuit die klassieke senutiese tale. 46-56
Raper, PE: The standardization of geographical names. 57-61
Thipa, HM: Some place names: What do they tell? 62-65
Kamupingene, Theo K: Meaning of place names and the phenomenon of nomenclature in Otjiherero. 66-71
Ramstad, Egil and Wilson, BJ: Spontaneous generation of names in preliterate society. 72-80
Grüner, Rolf: Onomastic attitudes of German Settlers in South Africa: Past and present. 81-86
Botha, TJR: Probleme met die eienaamverbinding in die Afrikaanse televisiediens. 87-94
Gouws, RH. Die hantering van voorname in tweetalige woordeboeke. 95-102
Neethling, SJ: Die godsbegrip van die Amaxhosa. 103-110
Combrink, Johan: Toename van plekke I die groter R.S.A. 111- 120
Löffler, Heinrich: Official standardization and actual usage of place names in a trilingual country such as Switzerland. 121-125
Otto, A: Herero-naamgewing. 126-132
Budack, KFR: Inter-etniese name in SWA. 133-144
Van Wyk, EB: Die skrywe van eiename in Japanees. 145-156
Nomina 1(1) April 1987
Botha, TJR: Voorwoord.1-4
Clarence, ND: Opening Address - 1st Congress of the Names Society of Southern Africa.5-10
Botha, TJR: First Congress of the Names Society of Southern Africa. 11-16
Branford, W: Eenzaamheid - Some thoughts on standardisation of spelling and the semantics of proper names. 21-29
Coetzee, JA: Probleme met betrekking tot die spelling van buitelandse geografiese name in Afrikaans en die behoefte aan standaardisasie. 30-38
Combrink, JGH: Aspekte van emotiewe aanspreekvorme in die Afrikaanse literatuur. 39-72
De Stadler, LG: Die opkoms van agtername. 73-97
Eksteen, LC: Naamgewing in Afrikaans. 98-115
Hattingh, JL: Naamgewing onder die slawe, vryswartes en ander gekleurdes. 116-135
Koopman, A: Zulu names and other modes of address. 136-164
Malan, CW: Wankelende Walkures en Flankerende Fiskale: Die kreatiewe gebruik van eiename deur Etienne Leroux. 165-179
Nomina 1(2) November 1987
Möller, LA: Die interdissiplinêre aard van die onomastiek. 1-21
Salman Nadvi, S: Names of Islam. 22-31
Nienaber, GS: Oor die betekenis van Aicha-ais. 32-38
Nienaber, PJ: Suid-Afrikaanse plekname as studievak. 39-50
Oberholzer, AG: Raakpunte tussen streekgeskiedenis en pleknaamkunde. 51-62
Odendal, FF: Pollie ons gaan Paarl toe: Variasie by die bepaalde lidwoord voor geografiese eiename in Afrikaans. 63-77
Raper, PE: Aspects of Onomastic Theory. 78-91
Skead, CJ: Gazetteer of Xhosa place names in the Eastern Cape and Xhosaland. 92-106
Thipa, HM: What shall we name him? 107-119
Uys, J: Aspekte van die verliterarisering van plek- en eiename in Afrikaans. 120-131
Nomina 2(1) April 1988
Botha, TJR: Eienaamverbindinge lei tot spellinghervorming in Afrikaans. 1-12
Coetzee, JA: Internasionale standaardisering met betrekking tot die ortografie van buitelandse plekname. 13-42
Grieshaber, NJ: Nog 'n rubikon? Oor die polemitiek rondom die skryfwyse van eienaamverbindinge in Afrikaans. 43-58
Jacobs, JU: The self-naming narrator in the contemporary novel. 59-78
Joffe, PH: Naming and semantic dubiety in Thomas Pynchon's The crying of Lot. 79-98
Künz, IM: South African political party names since 1910. 99-108
Liebenberg, HC: Valhalla: Uniek in Suid-Afrikaanse naamgewing? 109-158
Löffler, H: Names and regional respectively national identity in a polylingual country such as Switzerland. 159-170
Nomina 2(2) November 1988
Budack, KFR: Inter-ethnic names for white men in South West Africa. 171-186
Meiring, BA: Die name van staatsdepartemente. 187-204
Möller, LA: Plekname in die verhale van Herman Charles Bosman. 205-222
Neethling, SJ: Voorname in Xhosa. 223-238
Nienaber, GS: Op die spore van die Cochokwas. 239-254
Nortje, L: Eiename uit gebiedsname. 255-272
Ramstad, E and Wilson, BJ: The naming of Iceland, Greenland and Finland. 273-310
Raper, PE: The problem of exonyms. 311-322
Ungerer, HJ: Die rol van samestelling in Zulu-naamgewing. 323-336
Van Huyssteen, PJJ: Die naamverandering van Daniël en sy drie vriende. 337-347
Names 1983: The Proceedings of the Second Southern African Names Congress, Pretoria, 13-15 September 1983. Ed. Peter E. Raper, Pretoria: Humans Sciences Research Council. 1986 (This separate publication, dated 1986, covering papers presented at the second NSA Congress of 1983, precedes the first volume of Nomina Africana (1987) which covers papers presented at the first NSA Congress of 1981.)
Garbers, JG: Opening of the second Southern African Names Congress. 1-4
Botha, TJR: Aan die naamfront: voorsittersrede. 5-15
Alberts, NF: Die rol van vakterminologie in die Suid-Afrikaans arbeidsituasie. 16-21
Botha, TJR: Natalse plekaname: historiese aanloop and mitologisering. 22-42
Branford, Jean: Some recurrent grammatical structures in South African place names. 43-50
Combrink, JGH: Afrikaanse Kleurlingfamiliename. 51-66
De Bruyn, PS: Gevoelswaarde en naamgewing. 67-76
De Stadler, LG: Sintaktiese aspekte van die Afrikaanse eienaam. 77-93
Du Plessis, LT: Pertoors of Pretories? Voorlopige opmerkings oor variasiepatrone by name in 19de-eeuse Transvaalse koerante. 94-118
Eksteen, LC: Naamgewingstipes in die Afrikaanse terminologie. 119-127
Finlayson, R: Linguistic terms of respect among the Xhosa. 128-138
Fisher, I: Jewish names through the ages. 139-150
Graves, FE: Travel, place-names and history teaching. 151-156
Hattingh, JL: Huisname in vroeë Kaapstad. 157-166
Landman, KJH: Byname. 167-177
Lubbe, HJ: Die rol van taalmagie by naamgewing. 178-182
Meiring, Babs: Die status van die eienaam in verbinding. 183-208
Möller, LA: Duitse plekname in Suidwes-Afrika. 193-208
Moloto, ES: The subtleties of naming: an exercise in deep structure. 209-216
Neethling, SJ: Enkele naamkundige aspekte uit Elsa Joubert se ‘Poppie Nongena’. 217-228
Nienaber, GS: Interessante wanspellinge van enkele Hottentotse stamname. 229-234
Picard, JH: Plekname en straatname in die gebied Voortrekkerhoogte. 235-272
Raper, PE: Research possibilities in onomastics. 265-272
Sitaram, R: Names if Indian immigrants to South Africa. 273-277
Thipa, HM: By their names you shall know them. 286-291
Wainwright, AT: Bird names and Xhosa oral poetry. 292-309
Wilcocks, Julie: Countries of the world: name-changes and their significance. 310-312
Logos Vol 5 (1&2) (Special Edition Names Conference) 1985
(Papers presented at the 3rd Conference of the Names Society of Southern Africa, Windhoek 1985)
Van Schalkwyk, DJ: Opening van die Derde Tweejaarlikse Kongres van die Naamkundesvereniging van Suider-Afrika. 5-6
Coetzee, CJ and Stern, A Christel: Die beleid wat gevolg is by amptelike pleknaamgewing in Duits-Suidwes-Afrika. 7-12
Oberholzer, AG: Geesteshouding en naamgewing: ’n streekhistoriese perspektief. 13-17
Stadler, LG: Sosiolinguistiese aspekte van persoonseienaam. 18-29
Van der Schyff, PF: Stanmverwant as factor vir Afrikanernaamgewing in België en Nederland rondom die Vryheidsoorloë.30-45
Van Huyssteen, PJJ: EBLA en die persoonsname “Daniel” en “Michael” – ’n vergelykende studie vanuit die klassieke senutiese tale. 46-56
Raper, PE: The standardization of geographical names. 57-61
Thipa, HM: Some place names: What do they tell? 62-65
Kamupingene, Theo K: Meaning of place names and the phenomenon of nomenclature in Otjiherero. 66-71
Ramstad, Egil and Wilson, BJ: Spontaneous generation of names in preliterate society. 72-80
Grüner, Rolf: Onomastic attitudes of German Settlers in South Africa: Past and present. 81-86
Botha, TJR: Probleme met die eienaamverbinding in die Afrikaanse televisiediens. 87-94
Gouws, RH. Die hantering van voorname in tweetalige woordeboeke. 95-102
Neethling, SJ: Die godsbegrip van die Amaxhosa. 103-110
Combrink, Johan: Toename van plekke I die groter R.S.A. 111- 120
Löffler, Heinrich: Official standardization and actual usage of place names in a trilingual country such as Switzerland. 121-125
Otto, A: Herero-naamgewing. 126-132
Budack, KFR: Inter-etniese name in SWA. 133-144
Van Wyk, EB: Die skrywe van eiename in Japanees. 145-156
Nomina 1(1) April 1987
Botha, TJR: Voorwoord.1-4
Clarence, ND: Opening Address - 1st Congress of the Names Society of Southern Africa.5-10
Botha, TJR: First Congress of the Names Society of Southern Africa. 11-16
Branford, W: Eenzaamheid - Some thoughts on standardisation of spelling and the semantics of proper names. 21-29
Coetzee, JA: Probleme met betrekking tot die spelling van buitelandse geografiese name in Afrikaans en die behoefte aan standaardisasie. 30-38
Combrink, JGH: Aspekte van emotiewe aanspreekvorme in die Afrikaanse literatuur. 39-72
De Stadler, LG: Die opkoms van agtername. 73-97
Eksteen, LC: Naamgewing in Afrikaans. 98-115
Hattingh, JL: Naamgewing onder die slawe, vryswartes en ander gekleurdes. 116-135
Koopman, A: Zulu names and other modes of address. 136-164
Malan, CW: Wankelende Walkures en Flankerende Fiskale: Die kreatiewe gebruik van eiename deur Etienne Leroux. 165-179
Nomina 1(2) November 1987
Möller, LA: Die interdissiplinêre aard van die onomastiek. 1-21
Salman Nadvi, S: Names of Islam. 22-31
Nienaber, GS: Oor die betekenis van Aicha-ais. 32-38
Nienaber, PJ: Suid-Afrikaanse plekname as studievak. 39-50
Oberholzer, AG: Raakpunte tussen streekgeskiedenis en pleknaamkunde. 51-62
Odendal, FF: Pollie ons gaan Paarl toe: Variasie by die bepaalde lidwoord voor geografiese eiename in Afrikaans. 63-77
Raper, PE: Aspects of Onomastic Theory. 78-91
Skead, CJ: Gazetteer of Xhosa place names in the Eastern Cape and Xhosaland. 92-106
Thipa, HM: What shall we name him? 107-119
Uys, J: Aspekte van die verliterarisering van plek- en eiename in Afrikaans. 120-131
Nomina 2(1) April 1988
Botha, TJR: Eienaamverbindinge lei tot spellinghervorming in Afrikaans. 1-12
Coetzee, JA: Internasionale standaardisering met betrekking tot die ortografie van buitelandse plekname. 13-42
Grieshaber, NJ: Nog 'n rubikon? Oor die polemitiek rondom die skryfwyse van eienaamverbindinge in Afrikaans. 43-58
Jacobs, JU: The self-naming narrator in the contemporary novel. 59-78
Joffe, PH: Naming and semantic dubiety in Thomas Pynchon's The crying of Lot. 79-98
Künz, IM: South African political party names since 1910. 99-108
Liebenberg, HC: Valhalla: Uniek in Suid-Afrikaanse naamgewing? 109-158
Löffler, H: Names and regional respectively national identity in a polylingual country such as Switzerland. 159-170
Nomina 2(2) November 1988
Budack, KFR: Inter-ethnic names for white men in South West Africa. 171-186
Meiring, BA: Die name van staatsdepartemente. 187-204
Möller, LA: Plekname in die verhale van Herman Charles Bosman. 205-222
Neethling, SJ: Voorname in Xhosa. 223-238
Nienaber, GS: Op die spore van die Cochokwas. 239-254
Nortje, L: Eiename uit gebiedsname. 255-272
Ramstad, E and Wilson, BJ: The naming of Iceland, Greenland and Finland. 273-310
Raper, PE: The problem of exonyms. 311-322
Ungerer, HJ: Die rol van samestelling in Zulu-naamgewing. 323-336
Van Huyssteen, PJJ: Die naamverandering van Daniël en sy drie vriende. 337-347
Nomina 3(1) April 1989
Botha, TJR: Voorwoord. i-ii
Botha, TJR: Gestigmatiseerde eienaamvorme en restourasie van eiename. 1-6
Löffler, H: Onomastic research in German-speaking countries. 7-16
Möller, LA: Report on the XVIth International Congress of Onomastic Sciences. 17-54
Möller, LA: The influence of indigenous languages on German toponyms in Namibia. 55-66
Raper, PE: Report of attendance of the Fifth United Nations Conference on the standardisation of geographical names. 67-76
Raper, PE: Problems of toponymic standardization in the Republic of South Africa. 77-88
Nienaber, GS: "Khoekhoen" wen die naamstryd teen "Hottentot". 89-120
Nienaber, GS: Malgas vs. Malagas. 121-128
Möller, LA: Resensie: Street and Place Names of Old Pretoria/Straat- en Plekname van Ou-Pretoria. 129-130
Nomina 3(2) November 1989
Raper, PE: Report of Attendance of the 14th Session of the United Nations Group of Experts in Geographical Names. 1-12
Hromnik, CA: Africans or Bantu? 13-30
Koopman, A: The aetiology of Zulu personal names. 31-48
Möller, LA: Die generiese komponent in Duitse plekname in Suidwes-Afrika/Namibië. 49-74
Orth, DJ: The nature of toponymic terms. 75-100
Voss, AE: Symbolic names in South African English writing. 101-108
Nomina 4(1) April 1990
Raper, PE: Implementing United Nations resolutions on the standardisation of Geographical Names. 1-10
Neethling, SJ: Iziteketiso in Xhosa. 11-34
Jacobs, JU: Naming a crisis: André Brink's States of Emergency.35-48
Nathan, Carmen: Names and the law. 49-66
Koopman, A: Ornimatopoeia: Song reference in English, Afrikaans and Zulu bird names. 67-88
Joffe, P: The naming of Michael K: J M Coetzee's Life and Times of Michael K. 89-101
Nomina 4(2) November 1990
Herbert, RK and Bogatsu, S: Changes in Northern Sotho and Tswana personal naming patterns. 1-20
Combrink, J: Die vroeë stamboom van alewyn en alwyn. 21-34
Grieshaber, NJ: A Rolls by any other name: Would it sell as sweet? 35-46
Ramstad, E and Wilson, BJ: Norwegian plant names: Etymology. 47-124
Lubbe, J: Van eienaam tot soortnaam. 125-137
Nomina 5(1) April 1991
Möller. LA: Boekresensie. 1-3
Jacobs, JU: A proper name in prison: Self-identification in the South African Prison Memoir. 4-14
Jenkins, ER: Bushveld Titles and Epithets. 15-27
Viljoen, L: Naamgewing in Etienne van Heerden se Toorberg. 28-44
Raftery, MM: Dangerous Names: Devils and Vices in the Medieval English Drama. 45-64
Neethling, SJ: Proper names in some Nguni idioms and proverbs. 65-77
Nomina 5(2) November 1991
Löffler, H: Pflanzen und Tieren in den Hausnamen der Stadt Basel oder: Natur-Namen und Gesellschaft - Plants and animals as components of the House-Names in the City of Basle/Switzerland or: Nature-Names and Society. 1-9
Sales, PL: The origin of country names in Africa. 10-31
Golele, NCP: Compounding as a process of naming in XiTsonga. 32-38
Picard, JH: Names in uniform. 39-48
Lubbe, HJ: Straatnaamgewing in enkele jongere Bloemfontein woonbuurtes. 49-63
Diament, D: Names with a bang: the Appellations of Explosives. 64-79
Nomina 6(1) April 1992
Koopman, A: The Socio-cultural Aspects of Zulu Ox- and Dog-Names. 1-13
Ntuli, DB: The Significance of Zulu Homestead Names. 14-23
Grüner, RW: Firmaname in Bloemfontein uit 'n Onomastiese Perspektief. 24-31
Voss, A: Alligator to Zulu Dawn: a Taxonomy of Durban Buses. 32-38
Uys, H en Meiring, BA: Tweetalige Lys Name van Afrikalande en Omliggende Eilande met Afleidings van die Name. 39-58
Nomina 6(2) November 1992
Bosch, AB: Aspekte van Naamgewing in die Oos-Kaap.1-
Jenkins, ER: The Names of Informal Settlements
Ntuli, DB: House-naming among some South African Communities. 28-34
Cubbin, AE: Origin and Meaning of the Place Name, Empangeni. 25-41
Turner, NS: Zulu Names as Echoes of Censure, Discontent and Disapproval within the Domestic Environment. 42-46
Raper, PE: Report on the 8th United Nations Cartographic Conference for Africa. 47-
Nomina 7(1&2) 1993
Commendatio. 1-3
Nienaber, GS: Kareedouw en Karriebeer. 4-16
Neethling, SJ: Black Elk Speaks: Native American (Indian) Onomastics. 17-36
Viljoen, L: Naming the Subject: The Proper Name in the Poetry of Breyten Breytenbach. 37-49
Koopman, A: "KwaDedangedlale": An Introduction. 50-59
Gildenhuys, JG: 'n Etimologie van die Name vir Vrystaatse Dorpe en Swart Woonbuurtes in die Afrikatale. 60-84
Golele, NCP: Names and Society: The Rise of Some South African Place Names. 85-92
Coetser, A: Oorspronge van Naamgewing by Xhosa-sprekendes. 93-108
Raper, PE: Report on the Seventeenth Session of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names. 109-127
Nomina 8(1) April 1994
Louwrens, LJ: A Linguistic Analysis of Sotho Geographical Names. 1-42
Raper, PE: Using toponymic clusters to ascertain the meaning of Khoikhoi place names. 43-52
Van Huyssteen, L: The Zulu Place Name as a Morphological Exception. 53-64
Meiring, BA: Toponymic Innovation and Social Change. 65-79
Nomina 8(2) November 1994
Jacobs, JU: Exploring, Mapping and Naming in Postcolonial Fiction: Michael Ondaatje's The English Patient. 1-12
Jenkins, E: Public Participation in Recent and Future Place Name Changes.13-26
Bosch, B: Bynaamnavorsing: 'n Bestekopname.27-40
Bosch, B and De Klerk, V: Oor Klokkies en Sticks: Byname in 'n Afrikaanssprekende Gemeenskap. 41-58
Koopman, A: Onomastic Shift: From Sir Benjamin to Gobius durbanensis. 59-80
Nomina 9(1) April 1995
Boeyens, JCA and Cole, DT: Kaditshwene: What's in a Name? 1-40
Van Niekerk, J: Outosemantiek: Bemarkingstrategie en Linguistiekteorie. 41-55
Neethling, SJ: Connotative Toponyms: Christopher Torr's "Hot Gates".56-67
De Klerk, V and Bosch, B: Naming in Two Cultures: English and Xhosa Practices.68-87
Möller, LA: Criteria for Proposed Name Changes. 88-106
Raper, PE: Review: Name Studies: An International Handbook of Onomastics. 107-108
Möller, LA: Review: Namenforschung: Ein Internationales Handbuch zur Onomastik. 109-111
Nomina 9(2) October 1995
Joffe, P: Language Damage: Nazis and Naming in Martin Amis's Time's Arrow. 1-10
Jacobs, JU: Names for Nomads in The Songlines by Bruce Chatwin. 11-22
Bosch, B en De Klerk, V: Byname in 'n Multitalige Milieu: Aanduider van Taalprestige? 23-39
Hendricks, FS: Die Aard van Afrikaanse Persoonsnaamkoppeling. 40-51
Thompson, Glen L: “In my name they shall cast out devils”: Identity, power and faith within some independent charismatic churches in South African during the 1980s and early 1990s. 52-70
Van Eeden, Elize S: ’n Historiese perspektief op die herkoms van die naam Gatsrand (Carletonville-gebied). 71-83
Nomina 10(1&2) 1996
Yesufu, AR: "Transfiguration" by Naming: Royal Appellations and Edo Weltanschauung. 1-9
Moyo, T: Personal Names and Naming Practices in Northern Malawi. 10-19
Saarelma-Maunumaa, MM: The Influence of Westernization on Ovambo Personal Names in Namibia. 20-29
Neethling, SJ: Exploring Xhosa Surnames. 30-42
Coetser, A: Afrikaans se Bydrae tot Familiename in Xhosa. 43-53
Neethling, SJ: January to December: Traditional Xhosa Nomenclature54-66
Hooper, MJ: Naming the Father: Terms of Endearment, Sexuality and Servitude in The Beadle. 67-78
Squire, CJ: Returning to Paradise through Naming: The Incantation of Names in Breyten Breytenbach's Return to Paradise. 79-97
Van Eeden, A: Klinkende Name: Naamgewing in die Afrikaanse Poësie. 98-108
Mathenjwa, LF: Naming and Identification in Maskandi Poetry. 109-116
Nomina 11(1) April 1997
Cilliers, L: 'n Naam word 'n Hoeksteen van 'n Wêreldryk. 1-9
Murray, S: Signifying Sol Kerzner and "The Lost City": Some Problems and Pleasures of Name-calling. 10-28
Coetser, A: Afrikaanse Toponieme in die Voormalige Transkei. 29-36
Ormeling, F: Cartographic problems in a Multilingual Society: Mapping the New South Africa's Placenames. 37-49
Turner, NS: Onomastic Caricatures: Names Given to Employers and Co-workers by Black Employees. 50-66
De Bruyn, PS: Kommunikatiewe Elemente in die Name van Strandhuise. 67-87
Nomina 11(2) November 1997
Prabhakaran, V: A Study of Indian Names for Streets in Durban. 1-20
Meiring, BA: Semantiese Velde as Kategorieë in Plekname. 21-36
Hendricks, F: Hantam wil nie swig of swyg. 37-46
Sumbwa, N: Some Zambian Names as Sources of Diversified Knowledge: The Barotse and Other Examples. 47-66
Bosch, B: Eiename in 'n Geselekteerde Korpus Afrikaanse Graptekste. 67-86
Nomina 12(1) April 1998
De Klerk, V: Nicknaming Across Cultures: Borrowing and Other Tricks.1-18
Koopman, A: Names within Names: The Case of Jack and Jan. 19-32
Prabhakaran, V: An Introduction to Indian Hindu Surnames. 33-48
Prabhakaran, V: Exploring Hindu Telegu Surnames. 49-68
Jacobs, JU: Caro Nome: Names in Opera. 69-86
Nomina 12(2) November 1998
Möller, Lucie A: The HSRC Place Names Database: Providing a Geographic Frame of Reference for Socio-political and Cultural Information Management. 1-48
Coetser, A: Afrikaanse Plekname in Xhosa. 49-56
Neethling, SJ: Amabokoboko and Other Species: Names in South African Sport. 57-73
Mathangwane, Joyce T and, Sheena, F: Language Attitudes as Portrayed by the Use of English and African Names in Botswana. 74-87
Ndimande, Nobuhle: A Semantic Analysis of Zulu Surnames. 88-98
Nomina 13(1&2) 1999
De Klerk, Vivian: Beauty or Buhle? ... On changing one’s name. 1-18
Haron, Muhammed: Naming Peoples: The Formation of the South African Muslim Identity. 19-34
Saarelma-Maunumaa, Minna: Name Sharing in the Naming System of the Ovambos in Namibia. 35-46
Moyo, Themba: Ngoni Place Names in Mzimba District in Northern Malawi. 47-58
Musere, Jonathan: The Visitor in Some Proverbial Names of the Baganda. 59-72
Louw, Salomi: Inheemse Name vir Vakansiehuise: Marlothpark. 73-86
Prabhakaran, Varijakshi: Nicknames - The Hardest Stone the Devil Can Throw: Indian Caricature in South Africa. 87-100
Nomina 14(1) April 2000
Wittenberg, Herman: Imperial Naming and the Sources of the Nile. 1-18
Jenkins, ER: Names in The Symbolic Discourse of the Scout Movement. 19-28
Coetser, Attie: Effektetrustname as Aanduiders van Finansiële Betekeniswaardes. 29-56
Neethling, SJ: The Developer’s Dilemma: Finding the Right Name. 57-72
Nomina 14(2) November 2000
Koopman, Adrian: The Power of Names in Oral Poetry. 1-20
Turner, Noleen S: The Pervasive Influence of Plant Names in Zulu Onomastics. 21-32
Koopman, Adrian: "Move out of the way so that I can unroll my blankets": Mapping the Landscape in Vilakazi’s poem "KwaDedangendlale". 33-44
Machaba, Mbali: Homestead Names as a Reflection of Social Dynamics in Zulu Settings. 45-58
Bangeni, GN and Coetser, A: Xhosa First Names, Societal Values and Power Relations. 59-69
Nomina 15 (1&2) 2002: A World of Names 1: Special issue festschrift for Dr Peter E. Raper
Lucie A Möller: Introduction. i-xiii
Stabe, Hans: The UNited Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN) and its Secretariat. 1-4
Kerfoot, Helen and Närhi, Eeva Maria: United Nations standardisation of geographical names: Development of toponymic guidelines for map and other editors for international use. 5-21
Kadmon, Naftali: What is where? The definition of location for geographical names. 32-39
Ormeling, Ferjan: A name tool for early atlases. 40-47
Stani-Fertl, Roman: Exonyms and mass-media (maps): Contribution for a better understanding of the use of exonyms in massmedia and maps for editors and infographicians. 48-59
Löffler, Heinrich: Nomen Africanum: What does the name ‘Africa’ really mean? 60-65
Rayburn, Alan: The transfer of South African place names to Canada. 66-69
Ó Maolfabhail, Art: Notions of Celticity. 70-79
Nicolaisen, WFH: On English and Gaelic place names in medieval N-E Scotland. 80-86
Diament, H: Some problems of translations of proper names along the English-French-English axis. 87-96
Bevin, Tony: Dual place naming in New Zealand. 97-109
Pitkänen, Ritva Liisa: Bilingual place names in Finland. 114-120
Päll, Peeter: Estonian Place Names Act: linguisitc emphais in legislations. 121-125
Goba, Zinta: Toponymic investigation of Latvian geographers (1970-2000). 126-133
Kavacs, Jurìis: The law on renaming of countryside real estates of 13 October 1936 in Latvia. 134-137
Gläser, Rosemary: Toponymic changes in East Germany after the unification of the two German states. 138-159
Vasilileiou, Prodomos: The Island of Kypros (Cyprus) and the use of its official geographic names. 160-168
Lee, Ki-Suk: The historical precedent for the geographical name of East Sea (Sea of Japan). 169-188
Piller, Ingrid: Brand name formation. 189-202
Van Langendonck, Willy: Bynames within the personal name system. 203-211
Saarelma-Maunumaa, Minna: Ndalikokukule – I was far away: Personal names of Ovambo origin in Namibia. 212-224
Tabula gratulatoria
Nomina 16 (1&2) 2003: A World of Names 2: Special issue festschrift for Dr Peter E. Raper
Lucie A Möller: Introduction. i-iii
Jenkins, Elwyn: Some features of South African place names approved by the National Place Names Committee, 1977-1999. 1-11
Meiring, Barbara: Dialects in toponymic guidelines A multilingual South Africa. 12-20
Hendricks, Frank: Naamoordrag as idenititeitskeppingsmeganisme. 21-36
Hromnik, Cyril A: /Xairu – The Paradise: the charming village of the Attaqua Quena that became Suurbraak (Zuurbraak). 37-41
Koopman, Adrian: Naming as a marketing strategy in a coastal resort: the case of St. Lucia. 42-55
Smith, Clive Colin: Naming in a city: the street and place names of the Roodepoort area 1854-1999. 56-64
Machaba, Mbali: The morphological analysis of Zulu homestead names in Mabengela, Nkandla district. 65-80
Neethling, SJ: Riding the ama Wave:Nguni noun class 6 influence on naming in South Africa. 81-90
Abrahamo, Luis: Naming in the south of the Save River (Disctricts of Magude and Guija). 91-99
Suzman, Susan M: Zulu names and family histories. 100-117
Lubisi, PM: A glance into African personal names. 118-124
Sumbwa, Nyambe: African personal names derivatives from animals and plants: the Lozi experience. 125-133
Skhosana, PB: Names and naming practices among Southern Ndebele male persons. 134-145
De Klerk, Vivian: Xhosa nicknames for whites: a double-edged sword. 146-163
Prabhkaran, Varijkshi: Cultures in contact: Changes in Hindu Tamil and Telegu naming patterns in South Africa. 164-179
Lubbe, Johan: Akronieme met eienaamstatus. 180-191
Cilliers, Louise: Naming practices in ancient Greece and Rome as a reflection of the social status of women. 192-203
Raftery, Margaret Mary: A Trio Con Brio, or an unholy trinity? Naming and numbering the vices in the medieval morality play Mankind. 204-221
Voss, Tony: The Mazeppa Triangle. 222-236
Tabula gratulatoria
Nomina 17(1) April 2003
Koopman, Adrian: Editorial. 1-4
Lubbe, Johan: Van heilige tot ikon: die geskiedenis van die naamgewing van een van Bloemfontein se strate. 5-20
Raftery, Margaret: Naming and renaming as disguise: vices in Rhetoricians’ drama. 21-34
Neethling, Bertie: Duiwelskloof (André Brink) se mense: ’n onomastiese verkenning. 35-54
Machaba, Mbali: Naming, heritage and identity in post-apartheid South Africa. 55-78
Raper, Peter E.: Address to the 12th Names Congress, Bloemfontein, May 2002, this being the 21st Anniversary of the Names Society of Southern Africa. 79-84
Koopman, Adrian: Report on the 21st Conference of the International Council of Onomastic Sciences (ICOS), Uppsala, Sweden. Aug 19-24, 2002. 85-94
Groenewald, Joh: Letter to the editor.95-96
Neethling, Bertie: Review of Zulu Names. 105-112
Nomina 17(2) November 2003
Hilterman, Tracy and Koopman, Adrian: “A high degree of wayward folly”: An analysis of public response to a proposal to rename streets in central Pietermaritzburg. 1-36
Vinh-Thomas, Elmar: Sunnyvale: Odonymy and the selective representation of history in a Silicon Valley town. 37-46
Neethling, Bertie: Perceptions around the English names of Xhosa speakers. 47-66
Agbontaen-Eghafona: A toponymical investigation of Benin Ciry, Nigeria. 67-78
Hilton, JL: Ancient Greek and Latin names for the continent, countries and peoples of Africa. 79-94
Nomina 18 (1&2) 2004
Turner, Noleen: Female nicknaming practices amongst the Zulu. 1-17
Hilton, John: Classical names given to slaves at the Western Cape in the Eighteenth century. 18-36
Van Huyssteen, Linda: The capitalization of Zulu place names in the South African context. 37-44
Coetser, Attie: Echelons of power and naming practices: a case study. 45-60
Koopman, Adrian: Dutch first names. 61-92
Koopman, Adrian: Report on the 13th International congress of the Names Society of Southern Africa; Maputo, September 2004. 93-100
Koopman, Adrian: Report on the international symposium “Naming the World: from Common Nouns to Proper Names”, held at the University of Zadar in Croatia, Sept 1st to 4th 2004.
Koopman, Adrian: Book review: The encounter between African and European Anthroponymic Systems among the Ambo People in Namibia. By Minna Saarelma-Maunumaa. 118-130
Raper, Peter.E: Letter: “Place name changes: viewpoint of the NSA”. 131-136
Onomastic snippets. 137-
Nomina 19(1) April 2005
Meiring, Barbara: The stormy seas around the fairest Cape. 1-30
Boeyens, Jan CA and Cole, Desmond T: Whence Tswenyane? The etymology of an age-old Tswana place name in the Marico. 31-66
Mathangwane, Joyce T: The communicative aspect of place names in Northern Botswana: a sociolinguistic study. 67-88
Skosana, Philemon Bhuti: Naming and naming stages is Southern Ndebele society with special reference to females. 89-120
Khuboni, Fikile: Nicknaming and social bonding among isiZulu-speaking factory workers. 121-140
Onomastic snippets. 141-147
Nomina 19(2) November 2005
Koopman, Adrian: Editorial. 1-4
Guerini, Federica: Akan traditional personal name system in Ghana: a semantic and functional perspective. 5-38
Mtumane, Z: The onomastic significance of some Xhosa nicknames bestowed upon farmers around East London. 39-56
Ndimande-Hlongwa, N: Zulu nicknames within a wider world context. 57-80
Truter, EJJ: Die polemiek rondom die voorsgestelde naamsverandering van Pretoria na Tshwane soos weerspieël in die gedrukte media. 81-118
Lubbe, HJ: Naamkundekwessies soos gerapporteer in die Suid-Afrikaanse gedrukte media. 119-158
Koopman, Adrian: Unpacking Jamludi: an exercise in interdisciplinary onomastics. 159-184
Raper, Peter E: The name Xhosa. 185-186
Raper, Peter E: The name Gonaqua. 187-188
Nomina 20 (1&2) 2006
Koopman, Adrian: Editorial. 1-2
Hilton, John L: ‘Chamei-me Adamastor’: Naming the spirit of the Cape in Luiz Vaz de Camões’ Lusiads. 3-15
Coetser, Attie: Africa’s onomastic reaction to colonialism: From countries to municipalities, with special reference to the Eastern Cape – An overview. 16-41
Neethling, Bertie: A drink at Kwamaliyam? Names of informal businesses in the Cape Peninsula. 42-59
Groenewald, Manie: There is money in an African name – African business names in Johannesburg. 60-83
Raper, Peter E: Translations as key to Khoisan origins of Xhosa place names. 84-121
Jenkins, Elwyn: Some calques in South African place names. 108-121
Koopman, Adrian: Report on international conference in Norway 17-19 August 2006. 122-136
Obituary: Dr CJ Skead. 137-139
Onomastic Snippets. 140-149
Nomina 21 (1&2) 2007
Wildsmith-Cromarty, Rosemary: From ‘Adam’s Apoplexy’ to ‘Edge of Eternity’: an analysis of the names of rock climbs at slected sites in the KwaZulu-Natal area. 1-22
Raper, Peter E: Challenges relating to the standardisation of geographical names in Africa. 23-55
Ndana, Ndana and Mabuta, Kapule: ‘What’s in a name?’ Sources, meaning and significance of Subiya personal names. 56-79
Raper, Peter E: Names of maritime features. 80-104
Agbontaen-Eghafona, KA: Factors in personal naming and name change in post colonial Southern Nigeria. 105-125
Turner, Noleen: The derivation and significance of place names at Ithala Game Reserve. 126-142
Koopman, Adrian: The 14th Congress of the Names Society of Southern Africa: Ithala Game Reserve, November 2006. 143-152
From the Press. 153-160
Nomina 22 (1&2) 2008
Jenkins, Elwyn: Prose, verse, songs, humour and satire about South African place names. 1-28
Koopman, Adrian: Naming a university: an exercise in community involvement. 29-60
Mollema, Nina: Names and naming in Buzani kuMkabayi: a psychoanalytical evaluation. 61-76
Pfukwa, Charles and Barnes, Lawrie: The animal name in guerilla war names in the Zimbabwean war of liberation. 77-104
Van Huyssteen, Linda and Bosch, Sonia: Place names: challenges for a Zulu computational morphological analyser. 105-126
Raper, Peter E: Khoisan influences on Zulu place names. 127-168
Mandende, IP: Personal naming and the Installation of Vhavenda traditional leaders. 169-190
Koopman, Adrian: ICOS 23 Conference report. 191-206
Gardner, Colin: Renaming: messy but effective [Review of Elwyn Jenkin’s Falling into Place]
Saarelma, Minna: review of PM Mbenzi’s A Dictionary of Oshiwambo surnames. 213-217
Groenewald, Joh: letter to the editor. 218-219
Nomina 23(1) April 2009
Koopman, Adrian: Introducing ‘My Old Dutch’: onomastic attrition in Cockney rhyming slang and titles of nobility. 1-30
Meiring, Barbara: Geographical names and social cohesion. 31-50
Neethling, Bertie: Perceptions around ethnicity, naming and identity: coloured students at the University of the Western Cape. 51-90
Phafoli, Lehlohonolo: Naming among Basotho accordion artists. 91-112
Turner, Noleen: Odonymic warfare: the process of renaming streets in Durban, South Africa. 118-133
Koopman, Adrian: Report on the conference Names in the Economy III: Names as Language and Capital. Amsterdam 11-13 June 2009. 134-146
Botha, TJR: Voorwoord. i-ii
Botha, TJR: Gestigmatiseerde eienaamvorme en restourasie van eiename. 1-6
Löffler, H: Onomastic research in German-speaking countries. 7-16
Möller, LA: Report on the XVIth International Congress of Onomastic Sciences. 17-54
Möller, LA: The influence of indigenous languages on German toponyms in Namibia. 55-66
Raper, PE: Report of attendance of the Fifth United Nations Conference on the standardisation of geographical names. 67-76
Raper, PE: Problems of toponymic standardization in the Republic of South Africa. 77-88
Nienaber, GS: "Khoekhoen" wen die naamstryd teen "Hottentot". 89-120
Nienaber, GS: Malgas vs. Malagas. 121-128
Möller, LA: Resensie: Street and Place Names of Old Pretoria/Straat- en Plekname van Ou-Pretoria. 129-130
Nomina 3(2) November 1989
Raper, PE: Report of Attendance of the 14th Session of the United Nations Group of Experts in Geographical Names. 1-12
Hromnik, CA: Africans or Bantu? 13-30
Koopman, A: The aetiology of Zulu personal names. 31-48
Möller, LA: Die generiese komponent in Duitse plekname in Suidwes-Afrika/Namibië. 49-74
Orth, DJ: The nature of toponymic terms. 75-100
Voss, AE: Symbolic names in South African English writing. 101-108
Nomina 4(1) April 1990
Raper, PE: Implementing United Nations resolutions on the standardisation of Geographical Names. 1-10
Neethling, SJ: Iziteketiso in Xhosa. 11-34
Jacobs, JU: Naming a crisis: André Brink's States of Emergency.35-48
Nathan, Carmen: Names and the law. 49-66
Koopman, A: Ornimatopoeia: Song reference in English, Afrikaans and Zulu bird names. 67-88
Joffe, P: The naming of Michael K: J M Coetzee's Life and Times of Michael K. 89-101
Nomina 4(2) November 1990
Herbert, RK and Bogatsu, S: Changes in Northern Sotho and Tswana personal naming patterns. 1-20
Combrink, J: Die vroeë stamboom van alewyn en alwyn. 21-34
Grieshaber, NJ: A Rolls by any other name: Would it sell as sweet? 35-46
Ramstad, E and Wilson, BJ: Norwegian plant names: Etymology. 47-124
Lubbe, J: Van eienaam tot soortnaam. 125-137
Nomina 5(1) April 1991
Möller. LA: Boekresensie. 1-3
Jacobs, JU: A proper name in prison: Self-identification in the South African Prison Memoir. 4-14
Jenkins, ER: Bushveld Titles and Epithets. 15-27
Viljoen, L: Naamgewing in Etienne van Heerden se Toorberg. 28-44
Raftery, MM: Dangerous Names: Devils and Vices in the Medieval English Drama. 45-64
Neethling, SJ: Proper names in some Nguni idioms and proverbs. 65-77
Nomina 5(2) November 1991
Löffler, H: Pflanzen und Tieren in den Hausnamen der Stadt Basel oder: Natur-Namen und Gesellschaft - Plants and animals as components of the House-Names in the City of Basle/Switzerland or: Nature-Names and Society. 1-9
Sales, PL: The origin of country names in Africa. 10-31
Golele, NCP: Compounding as a process of naming in XiTsonga. 32-38
Picard, JH: Names in uniform. 39-48
Lubbe, HJ: Straatnaamgewing in enkele jongere Bloemfontein woonbuurtes. 49-63
Diament, D: Names with a bang: the Appellations of Explosives. 64-79
Nomina 6(1) April 1992
Koopman, A: The Socio-cultural Aspects of Zulu Ox- and Dog-Names. 1-13
Ntuli, DB: The Significance of Zulu Homestead Names. 14-23
Grüner, RW: Firmaname in Bloemfontein uit 'n Onomastiese Perspektief. 24-31
Voss, A: Alligator to Zulu Dawn: a Taxonomy of Durban Buses. 32-38
Uys, H en Meiring, BA: Tweetalige Lys Name van Afrikalande en Omliggende Eilande met Afleidings van die Name. 39-58
Nomina 6(2) November 1992
Bosch, AB: Aspekte van Naamgewing in die Oos-Kaap.1-
Jenkins, ER: The Names of Informal Settlements
Ntuli, DB: House-naming among some South African Communities. 28-34
Cubbin, AE: Origin and Meaning of the Place Name, Empangeni. 25-41
Turner, NS: Zulu Names as Echoes of Censure, Discontent and Disapproval within the Domestic Environment. 42-46
Raper, PE: Report on the 8th United Nations Cartographic Conference for Africa. 47-
Nomina 7(1&2) 1993
Commendatio. 1-3
Nienaber, GS: Kareedouw en Karriebeer. 4-16
Neethling, SJ: Black Elk Speaks: Native American (Indian) Onomastics. 17-36
Viljoen, L: Naming the Subject: The Proper Name in the Poetry of Breyten Breytenbach. 37-49
Koopman, A: "KwaDedangedlale": An Introduction. 50-59
Gildenhuys, JG: 'n Etimologie van die Name vir Vrystaatse Dorpe en Swart Woonbuurtes in die Afrikatale. 60-84
Golele, NCP: Names and Society: The Rise of Some South African Place Names. 85-92
Coetser, A: Oorspronge van Naamgewing by Xhosa-sprekendes. 93-108
Raper, PE: Report on the Seventeenth Session of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names. 109-127
Nomina 8(1) April 1994
Louwrens, LJ: A Linguistic Analysis of Sotho Geographical Names. 1-42
Raper, PE: Using toponymic clusters to ascertain the meaning of Khoikhoi place names. 43-52
Van Huyssteen, L: The Zulu Place Name as a Morphological Exception. 53-64
Meiring, BA: Toponymic Innovation and Social Change. 65-79
Nomina 8(2) November 1994
Jacobs, JU: Exploring, Mapping and Naming in Postcolonial Fiction: Michael Ondaatje's The English Patient. 1-12
Jenkins, E: Public Participation in Recent and Future Place Name Changes.13-26
Bosch, B: Bynaamnavorsing: 'n Bestekopname.27-40
Bosch, B and De Klerk, V: Oor Klokkies en Sticks: Byname in 'n Afrikaanssprekende Gemeenskap. 41-58
Koopman, A: Onomastic Shift: From Sir Benjamin to Gobius durbanensis. 59-80
Nomina 9(1) April 1995
Boeyens, JCA and Cole, DT: Kaditshwene: What's in a Name? 1-40
Van Niekerk, J: Outosemantiek: Bemarkingstrategie en Linguistiekteorie. 41-55
Neethling, SJ: Connotative Toponyms: Christopher Torr's "Hot Gates".56-67
De Klerk, V and Bosch, B: Naming in Two Cultures: English and Xhosa Practices.68-87
Möller, LA: Criteria for Proposed Name Changes. 88-106
Raper, PE: Review: Name Studies: An International Handbook of Onomastics. 107-108
Möller, LA: Review: Namenforschung: Ein Internationales Handbuch zur Onomastik. 109-111
Nomina 9(2) October 1995
Joffe, P: Language Damage: Nazis and Naming in Martin Amis's Time's Arrow. 1-10
Jacobs, JU: Names for Nomads in The Songlines by Bruce Chatwin. 11-22
Bosch, B en De Klerk, V: Byname in 'n Multitalige Milieu: Aanduider van Taalprestige? 23-39
Hendricks, FS: Die Aard van Afrikaanse Persoonsnaamkoppeling. 40-51
Thompson, Glen L: “In my name they shall cast out devils”: Identity, power and faith within some independent charismatic churches in South African during the 1980s and early 1990s. 52-70
Van Eeden, Elize S: ’n Historiese perspektief op die herkoms van die naam Gatsrand (Carletonville-gebied). 71-83
Nomina 10(1&2) 1996
Yesufu, AR: "Transfiguration" by Naming: Royal Appellations and Edo Weltanschauung. 1-9
Moyo, T: Personal Names and Naming Practices in Northern Malawi. 10-19
Saarelma-Maunumaa, MM: The Influence of Westernization on Ovambo Personal Names in Namibia. 20-29
Neethling, SJ: Exploring Xhosa Surnames. 30-42
Coetser, A: Afrikaans se Bydrae tot Familiename in Xhosa. 43-53
Neethling, SJ: January to December: Traditional Xhosa Nomenclature54-66
Hooper, MJ: Naming the Father: Terms of Endearment, Sexuality and Servitude in The Beadle. 67-78
Squire, CJ: Returning to Paradise through Naming: The Incantation of Names in Breyten Breytenbach's Return to Paradise. 79-97
Van Eeden, A: Klinkende Name: Naamgewing in die Afrikaanse Poësie. 98-108
Mathenjwa, LF: Naming and Identification in Maskandi Poetry. 109-116
Nomina 11(1) April 1997
Cilliers, L: 'n Naam word 'n Hoeksteen van 'n Wêreldryk. 1-9
Murray, S: Signifying Sol Kerzner and "The Lost City": Some Problems and Pleasures of Name-calling. 10-28
Coetser, A: Afrikaanse Toponieme in die Voormalige Transkei. 29-36
Ormeling, F: Cartographic problems in a Multilingual Society: Mapping the New South Africa's Placenames. 37-49
Turner, NS: Onomastic Caricatures: Names Given to Employers and Co-workers by Black Employees. 50-66
De Bruyn, PS: Kommunikatiewe Elemente in die Name van Strandhuise. 67-87
Nomina 11(2) November 1997
Prabhakaran, V: A Study of Indian Names for Streets in Durban. 1-20
Meiring, BA: Semantiese Velde as Kategorieë in Plekname. 21-36
Hendricks, F: Hantam wil nie swig of swyg. 37-46
Sumbwa, N: Some Zambian Names as Sources of Diversified Knowledge: The Barotse and Other Examples. 47-66
Bosch, B: Eiename in 'n Geselekteerde Korpus Afrikaanse Graptekste. 67-86
Nomina 12(1) April 1998
De Klerk, V: Nicknaming Across Cultures: Borrowing and Other Tricks.1-18
Koopman, A: Names within Names: The Case of Jack and Jan. 19-32
Prabhakaran, V: An Introduction to Indian Hindu Surnames. 33-48
Prabhakaran, V: Exploring Hindu Telegu Surnames. 49-68
Jacobs, JU: Caro Nome: Names in Opera. 69-86
Nomina 12(2) November 1998
Möller, Lucie A: The HSRC Place Names Database: Providing a Geographic Frame of Reference for Socio-political and Cultural Information Management. 1-48
Coetser, A: Afrikaanse Plekname in Xhosa. 49-56
Neethling, SJ: Amabokoboko and Other Species: Names in South African Sport. 57-73
Mathangwane, Joyce T and, Sheena, F: Language Attitudes as Portrayed by the Use of English and African Names in Botswana. 74-87
Ndimande, Nobuhle: A Semantic Analysis of Zulu Surnames. 88-98
Nomina 13(1&2) 1999
De Klerk, Vivian: Beauty or Buhle? ... On changing one’s name. 1-18
Haron, Muhammed: Naming Peoples: The Formation of the South African Muslim Identity. 19-34
Saarelma-Maunumaa, Minna: Name Sharing in the Naming System of the Ovambos in Namibia. 35-46
Moyo, Themba: Ngoni Place Names in Mzimba District in Northern Malawi. 47-58
Musere, Jonathan: The Visitor in Some Proverbial Names of the Baganda. 59-72
Louw, Salomi: Inheemse Name vir Vakansiehuise: Marlothpark. 73-86
Prabhakaran, Varijakshi: Nicknames - The Hardest Stone the Devil Can Throw: Indian Caricature in South Africa. 87-100
Nomina 14(1) April 2000
Wittenberg, Herman: Imperial Naming and the Sources of the Nile. 1-18
Jenkins, ER: Names in The Symbolic Discourse of the Scout Movement. 19-28
Coetser, Attie: Effektetrustname as Aanduiders van Finansiële Betekeniswaardes. 29-56
Neethling, SJ: The Developer’s Dilemma: Finding the Right Name. 57-72
Nomina 14(2) November 2000
Koopman, Adrian: The Power of Names in Oral Poetry. 1-20
Turner, Noleen S: The Pervasive Influence of Plant Names in Zulu Onomastics. 21-32
Koopman, Adrian: "Move out of the way so that I can unroll my blankets": Mapping the Landscape in Vilakazi’s poem "KwaDedangendlale". 33-44
Machaba, Mbali: Homestead Names as a Reflection of Social Dynamics in Zulu Settings. 45-58
Bangeni, GN and Coetser, A: Xhosa First Names, Societal Values and Power Relations. 59-69
Nomina 15 (1&2) 2002: A World of Names 1: Special issue festschrift for Dr Peter E. Raper
Lucie A Möller: Introduction. i-xiii
Stabe, Hans: The UNited Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN) and its Secretariat. 1-4
Kerfoot, Helen and Närhi, Eeva Maria: United Nations standardisation of geographical names: Development of toponymic guidelines for map and other editors for international use. 5-21
Kadmon, Naftali: What is where? The definition of location for geographical names. 32-39
Ormeling, Ferjan: A name tool for early atlases. 40-47
Stani-Fertl, Roman: Exonyms and mass-media (maps): Contribution for a better understanding of the use of exonyms in massmedia and maps for editors and infographicians. 48-59
Löffler, Heinrich: Nomen Africanum: What does the name ‘Africa’ really mean? 60-65
Rayburn, Alan: The transfer of South African place names to Canada. 66-69
Ó Maolfabhail, Art: Notions of Celticity. 70-79
Nicolaisen, WFH: On English and Gaelic place names in medieval N-E Scotland. 80-86
Diament, H: Some problems of translations of proper names along the English-French-English axis. 87-96
Bevin, Tony: Dual place naming in New Zealand. 97-109
Pitkänen, Ritva Liisa: Bilingual place names in Finland. 114-120
Päll, Peeter: Estonian Place Names Act: linguisitc emphais in legislations. 121-125
Goba, Zinta: Toponymic investigation of Latvian geographers (1970-2000). 126-133
Kavacs, Jurìis: The law on renaming of countryside real estates of 13 October 1936 in Latvia. 134-137
Gläser, Rosemary: Toponymic changes in East Germany after the unification of the two German states. 138-159
Vasilileiou, Prodomos: The Island of Kypros (Cyprus) and the use of its official geographic names. 160-168
Lee, Ki-Suk: The historical precedent for the geographical name of East Sea (Sea of Japan). 169-188
Piller, Ingrid: Brand name formation. 189-202
Van Langendonck, Willy: Bynames within the personal name system. 203-211
Saarelma-Maunumaa, Minna: Ndalikokukule – I was far away: Personal names of Ovambo origin in Namibia. 212-224
Tabula gratulatoria
Nomina 16 (1&2) 2003: A World of Names 2: Special issue festschrift for Dr Peter E. Raper
Lucie A Möller: Introduction. i-iii
Jenkins, Elwyn: Some features of South African place names approved by the National Place Names Committee, 1977-1999. 1-11
Meiring, Barbara: Dialects in toponymic guidelines A multilingual South Africa. 12-20
Hendricks, Frank: Naamoordrag as idenititeitskeppingsmeganisme. 21-36
Hromnik, Cyril A: /Xairu – The Paradise: the charming village of the Attaqua Quena that became Suurbraak (Zuurbraak). 37-41
Koopman, Adrian: Naming as a marketing strategy in a coastal resort: the case of St. Lucia. 42-55
Smith, Clive Colin: Naming in a city: the street and place names of the Roodepoort area 1854-1999. 56-64
Machaba, Mbali: The morphological analysis of Zulu homestead names in Mabengela, Nkandla district. 65-80
Neethling, SJ: Riding the ama Wave:Nguni noun class 6 influence on naming in South Africa. 81-90
Abrahamo, Luis: Naming in the south of the Save River (Disctricts of Magude and Guija). 91-99
Suzman, Susan M: Zulu names and family histories. 100-117
Lubisi, PM: A glance into African personal names. 118-124
Sumbwa, Nyambe: African personal names derivatives from animals and plants: the Lozi experience. 125-133
Skhosana, PB: Names and naming practices among Southern Ndebele male persons. 134-145
De Klerk, Vivian: Xhosa nicknames for whites: a double-edged sword. 146-163
Prabhkaran, Varijkshi: Cultures in contact: Changes in Hindu Tamil and Telegu naming patterns in South Africa. 164-179
Lubbe, Johan: Akronieme met eienaamstatus. 180-191
Cilliers, Louise: Naming practices in ancient Greece and Rome as a reflection of the social status of women. 192-203
Raftery, Margaret Mary: A Trio Con Brio, or an unholy trinity? Naming and numbering the vices in the medieval morality play Mankind. 204-221
Voss, Tony: The Mazeppa Triangle. 222-236
Tabula gratulatoria
Nomina 17(1) April 2003
Koopman, Adrian: Editorial. 1-4
Lubbe, Johan: Van heilige tot ikon: die geskiedenis van die naamgewing van een van Bloemfontein se strate. 5-20
Raftery, Margaret: Naming and renaming as disguise: vices in Rhetoricians’ drama. 21-34
Neethling, Bertie: Duiwelskloof (André Brink) se mense: ’n onomastiese verkenning. 35-54
Machaba, Mbali: Naming, heritage and identity in post-apartheid South Africa. 55-78
Raper, Peter E.: Address to the 12th Names Congress, Bloemfontein, May 2002, this being the 21st Anniversary of the Names Society of Southern Africa. 79-84
Koopman, Adrian: Report on the 21st Conference of the International Council of Onomastic Sciences (ICOS), Uppsala, Sweden. Aug 19-24, 2002. 85-94
Groenewald, Joh: Letter to the editor.95-96
Neethling, Bertie: Review of Zulu Names. 105-112
Nomina 17(2) November 2003
Hilterman, Tracy and Koopman, Adrian: “A high degree of wayward folly”: An analysis of public response to a proposal to rename streets in central Pietermaritzburg. 1-36
Vinh-Thomas, Elmar: Sunnyvale: Odonymy and the selective representation of history in a Silicon Valley town. 37-46
Neethling, Bertie: Perceptions around the English names of Xhosa speakers. 47-66
Agbontaen-Eghafona: A toponymical investigation of Benin Ciry, Nigeria. 67-78
Hilton, JL: Ancient Greek and Latin names for the continent, countries and peoples of Africa. 79-94
Nomina 18 (1&2) 2004
Turner, Noleen: Female nicknaming practices amongst the Zulu. 1-17
Hilton, John: Classical names given to slaves at the Western Cape in the Eighteenth century. 18-36
Van Huyssteen, Linda: The capitalization of Zulu place names in the South African context. 37-44
Coetser, Attie: Echelons of power and naming practices: a case study. 45-60
Koopman, Adrian: Dutch first names. 61-92
Koopman, Adrian: Report on the 13th International congress of the Names Society of Southern Africa; Maputo, September 2004. 93-100
Koopman, Adrian: Report on the international symposium “Naming the World: from Common Nouns to Proper Names”, held at the University of Zadar in Croatia, Sept 1st to 4th 2004.
Koopman, Adrian: Book review: The encounter between African and European Anthroponymic Systems among the Ambo People in Namibia. By Minna Saarelma-Maunumaa. 118-130
Raper, Peter.E: Letter: “Place name changes: viewpoint of the NSA”. 131-136
Onomastic snippets. 137-
Nomina 19(1) April 2005
Meiring, Barbara: The stormy seas around the fairest Cape. 1-30
Boeyens, Jan CA and Cole, Desmond T: Whence Tswenyane? The etymology of an age-old Tswana place name in the Marico. 31-66
Mathangwane, Joyce T: The communicative aspect of place names in Northern Botswana: a sociolinguistic study. 67-88
Skosana, Philemon Bhuti: Naming and naming stages is Southern Ndebele society with special reference to females. 89-120
Khuboni, Fikile: Nicknaming and social bonding among isiZulu-speaking factory workers. 121-140
Onomastic snippets. 141-147
Nomina 19(2) November 2005
Koopman, Adrian: Editorial. 1-4
Guerini, Federica: Akan traditional personal name system in Ghana: a semantic and functional perspective. 5-38
Mtumane, Z: The onomastic significance of some Xhosa nicknames bestowed upon farmers around East London. 39-56
Ndimande-Hlongwa, N: Zulu nicknames within a wider world context. 57-80
Truter, EJJ: Die polemiek rondom die voorsgestelde naamsverandering van Pretoria na Tshwane soos weerspieël in die gedrukte media. 81-118
Lubbe, HJ: Naamkundekwessies soos gerapporteer in die Suid-Afrikaanse gedrukte media. 119-158
Koopman, Adrian: Unpacking Jamludi: an exercise in interdisciplinary onomastics. 159-184
Raper, Peter E: The name Xhosa. 185-186
Raper, Peter E: The name Gonaqua. 187-188
Nomina 20 (1&2) 2006
Koopman, Adrian: Editorial. 1-2
Hilton, John L: ‘Chamei-me Adamastor’: Naming the spirit of the Cape in Luiz Vaz de Camões’ Lusiads. 3-15
Coetser, Attie: Africa’s onomastic reaction to colonialism: From countries to municipalities, with special reference to the Eastern Cape – An overview. 16-41
Neethling, Bertie: A drink at Kwamaliyam? Names of informal businesses in the Cape Peninsula. 42-59
Groenewald, Manie: There is money in an African name – African business names in Johannesburg. 60-83
Raper, Peter E: Translations as key to Khoisan origins of Xhosa place names. 84-121
Jenkins, Elwyn: Some calques in South African place names. 108-121
Koopman, Adrian: Report on international conference in Norway 17-19 August 2006. 122-136
Obituary: Dr CJ Skead. 137-139
Onomastic Snippets. 140-149
Nomina 21 (1&2) 2007
Wildsmith-Cromarty, Rosemary: From ‘Adam’s Apoplexy’ to ‘Edge of Eternity’: an analysis of the names of rock climbs at slected sites in the KwaZulu-Natal area. 1-22
Raper, Peter E: Challenges relating to the standardisation of geographical names in Africa. 23-55
Ndana, Ndana and Mabuta, Kapule: ‘What’s in a name?’ Sources, meaning and significance of Subiya personal names. 56-79
Raper, Peter E: Names of maritime features. 80-104
Agbontaen-Eghafona, KA: Factors in personal naming and name change in post colonial Southern Nigeria. 105-125
Turner, Noleen: The derivation and significance of place names at Ithala Game Reserve. 126-142
Koopman, Adrian: The 14th Congress of the Names Society of Southern Africa: Ithala Game Reserve, November 2006. 143-152
From the Press. 153-160
Nomina 22 (1&2) 2008
Jenkins, Elwyn: Prose, verse, songs, humour and satire about South African place names. 1-28
Koopman, Adrian: Naming a university: an exercise in community involvement. 29-60
Mollema, Nina: Names and naming in Buzani kuMkabayi: a psychoanalytical evaluation. 61-76
Pfukwa, Charles and Barnes, Lawrie: The animal name in guerilla war names in the Zimbabwean war of liberation. 77-104
Van Huyssteen, Linda and Bosch, Sonia: Place names: challenges for a Zulu computational morphological analyser. 105-126
Raper, Peter E: Khoisan influences on Zulu place names. 127-168
Mandende, IP: Personal naming and the Installation of Vhavenda traditional leaders. 169-190
Koopman, Adrian: ICOS 23 Conference report. 191-206
Gardner, Colin: Renaming: messy but effective [Review of Elwyn Jenkin’s Falling into Place]
Saarelma, Minna: review of PM Mbenzi’s A Dictionary of Oshiwambo surnames. 213-217
Groenewald, Joh: letter to the editor. 218-219
Nomina 23(1) April 2009
Koopman, Adrian: Introducing ‘My Old Dutch’: onomastic attrition in Cockney rhyming slang and titles of nobility. 1-30
Meiring, Barbara: Geographical names and social cohesion. 31-50
Neethling, Bertie: Perceptions around ethnicity, naming and identity: coloured students at the University of the Western Cape. 51-90
Phafoli, Lehlohonolo: Naming among Basotho accordion artists. 91-112
Turner, Noleen: Odonymic warfare: the process of renaming streets in Durban, South Africa. 118-133
Koopman, Adrian: Report on the conference Names in the Economy III: Names as Language and Capital. Amsterdam 11-13 June 2009. 134-146
Nomina 23(2) November 2009
Coetser, Attie: Changing first name patterns of female Afrikaans speakers. 1-32
Koopman, Adrian: A re-look at the semantics of ‘eThekwini’, or why Durban’s mayor needs more milk in his tea. 33-60
Felecan, Daiana: Nicknames: reflections of polyphony within the lingusitic area from the northwestern part of Romania. 61-90
Koopman, Adrian: Rooibos: the rise and fall of a name. 91-108
Rapeane-Mathonsi, R, Khotso, P, Mohlomi, M and Possa, R: The dynamisim of seSotho: HIV and AIDS-related naming among the Basotho. 109-126
Koopman, Adrian: NSA 15th Congress report. 127-138
Onomastic snippets. 139-145
Nomina 24(1) April 2010
Felecan, Oliviu: Multi-ethnic connections reflected in the anthroponymy of a Central European region. 1-23
Hilton, JL: Names and numbers in Hellenistic Greek literature. 24-40
Jenkins, Elwyn: Pretoria, Tshwane and the law. 41-75
Neethling, Bertie: Reintroducing the name ‘Bantu’ in South Africa within its linguistic context. 76-103
Pfukwa, Charles and Barnes, Lawrie: Saints, princes and pioneers: The politics of changing school names in Zimbabwe. 104-131
Zondi, Nompumelelo: Reclaiming their voices in polygamous marriages: A case study of personal names given to Zwelibomvu children. 132-148
Coetser, Attie: Changing first name patterns of female Afrikaans speakers. 1-32
Koopman, Adrian: A re-look at the semantics of ‘eThekwini’, or why Durban’s mayor needs more milk in his tea. 33-60
Felecan, Daiana: Nicknames: reflections of polyphony within the lingusitic area from the northwestern part of Romania. 61-90
Koopman, Adrian: Rooibos: the rise and fall of a name. 91-108
Rapeane-Mathonsi, R, Khotso, P, Mohlomi, M and Possa, R: The dynamisim of seSotho: HIV and AIDS-related naming among the Basotho. 109-126
Koopman, Adrian: NSA 15th Congress report. 127-138
Onomastic snippets. 139-145
Nomina 24(1) April 2010
Felecan, Oliviu: Multi-ethnic connections reflected in the anthroponymy of a Central European region. 1-23
Hilton, JL: Names and numbers in Hellenistic Greek literature. 24-40
Jenkins, Elwyn: Pretoria, Tshwane and the law. 41-75
Neethling, Bertie: Reintroducing the name ‘Bantu’ in South Africa within its linguistic context. 76-103
Pfukwa, Charles and Barnes, Lawrie: Saints, princes and pioneers: The politics of changing school names in Zimbabwe. 104-131
Zondi, Nompumelelo: Reclaiming their voices in polygamous marriages: A case study of personal names given to Zwelibomvu children. 132-148
Nomina 24(2) November 2010
McCracken, Donal: We few, we happy few: Ireland’s export of place names to South Africa. 1-18
Zondi, Nompumelelo: Evidence of literary onomastics in Zulu texts: A case of character naming as a ‘conscious practice’ in the drama book Inkatha Yabaphansi. 19-36
Moll, Johan: In the fixed grip of colonialism: deliberating on the name changing of the KwaZulu-Natal and Western Cape provinces. 37-61
Turner, Noleen: Tracing toponymic lapses in HIP – the documenting and recording of oral history in Hluluwe/Imfolozi Game Reserve: a case study of the Magqubu Ntombela Foundation project. 62-78
Makondo, Livingstone: A thematic categorization of Shona anthroponyms. 79-106
Meyiwa, Thenji ‘Till death do us part’: Names’ politics and women’s experiences following a change in marital status. 107-129
Jenkins, Elwyn: review of the book Gate. 130-134
Jenkins, Elwyn: review of the book Wondering through Europe. 135-138
Koopman, Adrian: Report on the Fourth Trends in Toponymy Conference held in Edinburg June 2010. 139-148
Blum, Abraham: Letter to the Editor. 149-150
Volume 25 (1&2) 2011
Adrian Koopman: Editorial [a brief history of the NSA). 1-15
Bertie Neethling: Bynames of students at the University of the Western Cape: an expression of identity. 16-42
H.J. Lubbe: Name changing in South Africa: a historical overview, with emphasis on the period after 1994. 43-66
Elwyn Jenkins: Kimberley and the Kimberley Train. 67-89
Adrian Koopman: Engaging with the landscape: cultural and linguistic patterns in selected toponyms of KwaZulu-Natal. 90-119
Peter E. Raper: Toponymic stratification in southern Africa: hydronyms and oronyms. 120-140
Sambulo Ndlovu: Historical derivation of some miscellaneous Ndebele names and name-derived terminology. 141-154
N.N.Mathonsi and M. Rapeane-Mathonsi: Affixal naming in Sotho and Zulu marriages. 155-173
Adrian Koopman: Report on the 16th NSA Congress at Langebaan, Western Cape, October 2010. 174-181
Adrian Koopman: Report on the XXIV Congress of ICOS at Barcelona, Spain, September 2011. 182-190
Bertie Neethling: Report on the International Onomastics Conference at Baia Mare in Romania. 191-193
An index of the contents of Nomina Africana, Vols 1 – 25. 194-217
An index of contributors to Nomina Africana, Vols 1 – 25. 218-240
Volume 26(1). April 2012.
A special issue “Planning Name Changes – The quest for Authenticity” guest-edited by Dr Lucie Möller
L.T. Du Plessis: Introduction: Planning name changes: the quest for authenticity. i-iv
Lucie A. Möller: Editorial. v-x
Peter E. Raper: United Nations resolutions on name changes: Historical and legal aspects. 1-14
L.T. Du Plessis: Language visibility and the renaming of places: A comparative study of five countries. 15-53
Carol G. Lombard: Addressing and interpreting the issue of authenticity in place renaming. 54-61
Lucie A. Möller: A case for dual names. 62-94
Adrian Koopman: Street-name changes in Pietermaritzburg and Durban within their historical and global contexts. 95-112
Charles Pfukwa: Taking to the streets: An onomastic analysis of selected suburbs of the city of Harare, Zimbabwe. 113-130
Palesa Khotso: Renaming of places: The case of Thaba-Tseka district in Lesotho.
Volume 26(2) November 2012
Beatrice Ekanjume Ilongo: The naming system among the Bakossi of Cameroon. 1-26
Elwyn Jenkins: Afrikaans place name generics in South African English: Information from A Dictionary of South African English on Historical Principles. 27-52
’Maboloba Kolobe: A morpho-sociolinguistic analysis of vehicle naming in Lesotho. 53-72
Bertie Neethling: The role of names in songs: Billy Joel’s ‘We didn’t start the fire’. 73-90
Maleshoane Rapeane-Mathonsi and Mape John Mohlomi: Nicknaming in Lesotho: The case of bars and restaurants. 91-110
Adrian Koopman: Report on the 17th International Congress of the Names Society of Southern Africa. 111-116
Adrian Koopman: President’s report at the 17th Congress. 17-122
Adrian Koopman: Politico-botanical onomastics. 123
Volume 27(1) April 2013
Peter E. Raper: Descriptive Xhosa place names displaying Khoisan influence. 1-18
Bertie Neethling: Renaming streets in the City of Cape Town: Policy and practice. 19-34
Bertie Neethling: Innovation and creativity in the coining of new names for South African wines: A few case studies. 35-56
Charles Pfukwa: From Penhalonga to Nyaronga: Portuguese and Mozambican influence on Zimbabwean onomastics. 57-80
Livingstone Makondo and Charles Pfukwa: Zimbabwe: An onomastic bibliography. 81-98
Adrian Koopman: Onomastic stories in the press. 99-104
Volume 27(2) November 2013
Mangena Tendai and Oliver Nyambi: The significance of character naming in selected Zimbabwean literature in English. 1-10
Ntandoni Gloria Biyela: Naming within Zulu culture before the influence of colonialism and Christianity. 11-30
Gregory Hankoni Kamwendo: Chichewa or Cinyanja? Problems in the naming of a cross-border language. 31-44
Johan Moll: Towards Africanisation: Finalising the names of the Eastern and Northern Cape and Northwest provinces. 45-60
Adrian Koopman and Boni Zungu: Naming combinations in the Zulu anthroponymic system. 61-78
N.N. Mathonsi and M. Rapeane-Mathonsi: The use of names in Ngubane’s Uvalo Lwezinhlonzi. 79-92
Volume 28(1) April 2014. Special Issue: Names in a multilingual society
Lucie A. Möller: Editorial: The 2013 Colloqium on the theme Place names in a multilingual society/Plekname in ’n meertalige samelewing. i-vi
Trueman Khubeka: Capacity building workshop on geographical names. 1-3
Barbara Meiring: Orthographic guidelines for the standardisation of South Africa geographical names. 4-15
Peter E. Raper: Criteria for validating indigenous place-names in a multi-lingual society. 16-29
Theodorus Du Plessis: Language discontent and geographical name changes in South Africa, as reported in the South African Language Rights Monitor, 2002-2008. 51-79
Palesa Khotso: The standardisation of geographical names in Lesotho: The quest for the conservation of the history, culture and heritage of the Basotho. 80-96
Gugulethu Mazibuko: The use of indigenous names in naming KwaZulu-Natal municipalities. 97-106
Lucie A. Möller: Some thoughts on revised and replaced toponyms in South Africa. 107-142
Barbara Meiring: Book review: Bushman (San) influence on Zulu place names by Peter E. Raper.143-145
Volume 28(2) November 2014
Adrian Koopman: Editorial. i
Elwyn Jenkins: Public hearings on South African geographical names, 2008-2014. 1-16
Adrian Koopman: The naming imperative: Naming wild Animals. 17-42
Bertie Neethling: The naming of primates by primates: a case study of the Cape Peninsula baboons in South Africa. 43-54
Jako Olivier: Twitter usernames: exploring the nature of online South African nicknames. 55-81
Tendai Mangena and Sambulo Ndlovu: Articulations of ‘Othering’ through Ethnic Names and Naming: Selected Zimbabwean Cases. 82-92
Adrian Koopman: Report on the 25th Congress of the International Council of Onomastic Sciences. 93-97
Adrian Koopman: Report on the 18th International Congress of the Names Society of Southern Africa. 99-204
McCracken, Donal: We few, we happy few: Ireland’s export of place names to South Africa. 1-18
Zondi, Nompumelelo: Evidence of literary onomastics in Zulu texts: A case of character naming as a ‘conscious practice’ in the drama book Inkatha Yabaphansi. 19-36
Moll, Johan: In the fixed grip of colonialism: deliberating on the name changing of the KwaZulu-Natal and Western Cape provinces. 37-61
Turner, Noleen: Tracing toponymic lapses in HIP – the documenting and recording of oral history in Hluluwe/Imfolozi Game Reserve: a case study of the Magqubu Ntombela Foundation project. 62-78
Makondo, Livingstone: A thematic categorization of Shona anthroponyms. 79-106
Meyiwa, Thenji ‘Till death do us part’: Names’ politics and women’s experiences following a change in marital status. 107-129
Jenkins, Elwyn: review of the book Gate. 130-134
Jenkins, Elwyn: review of the book Wondering through Europe. 135-138
Koopman, Adrian: Report on the Fourth Trends in Toponymy Conference held in Edinburg June 2010. 139-148
Blum, Abraham: Letter to the Editor. 149-150
Volume 25 (1&2) 2011
Adrian Koopman: Editorial [a brief history of the NSA). 1-15
Bertie Neethling: Bynames of students at the University of the Western Cape: an expression of identity. 16-42
H.J. Lubbe: Name changing in South Africa: a historical overview, with emphasis on the period after 1994. 43-66
Elwyn Jenkins: Kimberley and the Kimberley Train. 67-89
Adrian Koopman: Engaging with the landscape: cultural and linguistic patterns in selected toponyms of KwaZulu-Natal. 90-119
Peter E. Raper: Toponymic stratification in southern Africa: hydronyms and oronyms. 120-140
Sambulo Ndlovu: Historical derivation of some miscellaneous Ndebele names and name-derived terminology. 141-154
N.N.Mathonsi and M. Rapeane-Mathonsi: Affixal naming in Sotho and Zulu marriages. 155-173
Adrian Koopman: Report on the 16th NSA Congress at Langebaan, Western Cape, October 2010. 174-181
Adrian Koopman: Report on the XXIV Congress of ICOS at Barcelona, Spain, September 2011. 182-190
Bertie Neethling: Report on the International Onomastics Conference at Baia Mare in Romania. 191-193
An index of the contents of Nomina Africana, Vols 1 – 25. 194-217
An index of contributors to Nomina Africana, Vols 1 – 25. 218-240
Volume 26(1). April 2012.
A special issue “Planning Name Changes – The quest for Authenticity” guest-edited by Dr Lucie Möller
L.T. Du Plessis: Introduction: Planning name changes: the quest for authenticity. i-iv
Lucie A. Möller: Editorial. v-x
Peter E. Raper: United Nations resolutions on name changes: Historical and legal aspects. 1-14
L.T. Du Plessis: Language visibility and the renaming of places: A comparative study of five countries. 15-53
Carol G. Lombard: Addressing and interpreting the issue of authenticity in place renaming. 54-61
Lucie A. Möller: A case for dual names. 62-94
Adrian Koopman: Street-name changes in Pietermaritzburg and Durban within their historical and global contexts. 95-112
Charles Pfukwa: Taking to the streets: An onomastic analysis of selected suburbs of the city of Harare, Zimbabwe. 113-130
Palesa Khotso: Renaming of places: The case of Thaba-Tseka district in Lesotho.
Volume 26(2) November 2012
Beatrice Ekanjume Ilongo: The naming system among the Bakossi of Cameroon. 1-26
Elwyn Jenkins: Afrikaans place name generics in South African English: Information from A Dictionary of South African English on Historical Principles. 27-52
’Maboloba Kolobe: A morpho-sociolinguistic analysis of vehicle naming in Lesotho. 53-72
Bertie Neethling: The role of names in songs: Billy Joel’s ‘We didn’t start the fire’. 73-90
Maleshoane Rapeane-Mathonsi and Mape John Mohlomi: Nicknaming in Lesotho: The case of bars and restaurants. 91-110
Adrian Koopman: Report on the 17th International Congress of the Names Society of Southern Africa. 111-116
Adrian Koopman: President’s report at the 17th Congress. 17-122
Adrian Koopman: Politico-botanical onomastics. 123
Volume 27(1) April 2013
Peter E. Raper: Descriptive Xhosa place names displaying Khoisan influence. 1-18
Bertie Neethling: Renaming streets in the City of Cape Town: Policy and practice. 19-34
Bertie Neethling: Innovation and creativity in the coining of new names for South African wines: A few case studies. 35-56
Charles Pfukwa: From Penhalonga to Nyaronga: Portuguese and Mozambican influence on Zimbabwean onomastics. 57-80
Livingstone Makondo and Charles Pfukwa: Zimbabwe: An onomastic bibliography. 81-98
Adrian Koopman: Onomastic stories in the press. 99-104
Volume 27(2) November 2013
Mangena Tendai and Oliver Nyambi: The significance of character naming in selected Zimbabwean literature in English. 1-10
Ntandoni Gloria Biyela: Naming within Zulu culture before the influence of colonialism and Christianity. 11-30
Gregory Hankoni Kamwendo: Chichewa or Cinyanja? Problems in the naming of a cross-border language. 31-44
Johan Moll: Towards Africanisation: Finalising the names of the Eastern and Northern Cape and Northwest provinces. 45-60
Adrian Koopman and Boni Zungu: Naming combinations in the Zulu anthroponymic system. 61-78
N.N. Mathonsi and M. Rapeane-Mathonsi: The use of names in Ngubane’s Uvalo Lwezinhlonzi. 79-92
Volume 28(1) April 2014. Special Issue: Names in a multilingual society
Lucie A. Möller: Editorial: The 2013 Colloqium on the theme Place names in a multilingual society/Plekname in ’n meertalige samelewing. i-vi
Trueman Khubeka: Capacity building workshop on geographical names. 1-3
Barbara Meiring: Orthographic guidelines for the standardisation of South Africa geographical names. 4-15
Peter E. Raper: Criteria for validating indigenous place-names in a multi-lingual society. 16-29
Theodorus Du Plessis: Language discontent and geographical name changes in South Africa, as reported in the South African Language Rights Monitor, 2002-2008. 51-79
Palesa Khotso: The standardisation of geographical names in Lesotho: The quest for the conservation of the history, culture and heritage of the Basotho. 80-96
Gugulethu Mazibuko: The use of indigenous names in naming KwaZulu-Natal municipalities. 97-106
Lucie A. Möller: Some thoughts on revised and replaced toponyms in South Africa. 107-142
Barbara Meiring: Book review: Bushman (San) influence on Zulu place names by Peter E. Raper.143-145
Volume 28(2) November 2014
Adrian Koopman: Editorial. i
Elwyn Jenkins: Public hearings on South African geographical names, 2008-2014. 1-16
Adrian Koopman: The naming imperative: Naming wild Animals. 17-42
Bertie Neethling: The naming of primates by primates: a case study of the Cape Peninsula baboons in South Africa. 43-54
Jako Olivier: Twitter usernames: exploring the nature of online South African nicknames. 55-81
Tendai Mangena and Sambulo Ndlovu: Articulations of ‘Othering’ through Ethnic Names and Naming: Selected Zimbabwean Cases. 82-92
Adrian Koopman: Report on the 25th Congress of the International Council of Onomastic Sciences. 93-97
Adrian Koopman: Report on the 18th International Congress of the Names Society of Southern Africa. 99-204